Purple Gurl #fundie #homophobia topix.com

I never said God hated homosexuals. In fact, there is no such thing as homosexuals, just those who choose to commit homosexual or heterosexual acts. All are created to be heterosexuals, just that some choose to deviate from that for whatever reason. People are born awkward or nerds, not as "gays," and some mistake their differences as meaning they are supposed to commit this great evil. And other straight people accuse them falsely of being "gay" and say that because they like art, music, or are non-aggressive, that they must be sexual perverts who have unstoppable lust for members of the same sex. It is society who turns persons who were intented to be non-sexual into homosexuals. Orientation is not inborn nor are people to be considered a group or class. As long as you are choosing to commit homosexual acts, you are cutting yourself off from God. You can accept God's love at any time and show your gratitude for that by repenting.

As for the other poster, anyone who is caught in or admits to adultery, homosexuality, pedophilia, underage sex, or premarital sex deserves death. Yes, that would probably take out 60% of society, and the world would be much better for it. Of course, there would be no victims, since they know the risks of practicing any sex outside the bounds of a legal marriage between adult humans of the opposite sex. If you don't want to die, don't cheat. If you don't want to die, don't participate in oral or anal sex. If you don't want to die, don't mess with animals. If you don't want to die, don't eat like a friggin' hog. If you don't want to die, don't act on lusts, whether they be for members of the same sex, someone who is not yet an adult, or someone to whom you are not legally married.



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