@ljlyon , @CatherineWheel & @So_Fasrus #transphobia gettr.com

This goes for Julie Bindel and JK Rowling as well as all women who think there's such a thing as true trans. Women who think the problem is that some extreme trans activists have gone too far and we need to show compassion for the true transgender. Women who advocate for a compromise for a 3rd option for Trans Identified Males to have their own facilities separate from male and female only facilities and sports. There's No Such Thing A Transgender. The entire idea of Trans. What. The. Fuck. Evers. (vestite, sexual, gender, female impersonators, drag queens, all paraphilia) and all affirmation surgeries and chemical cross/wrong sex hormone protocols should be banned. This is a crime against humanity and is a misogynistic hate crime making a mocking parody of women.

I think we all start out thinking there's some compromise to be had. But these are men (and sick men) we are talking about. There is no compromise, only capitulation. The longer you study this movement, the more disgusted and discouraged you get by your own naiveté.

"a misogynistic hate crime making a mocking parody of women" I notice many GC activists have moved position on their previously transideology-compromising language, of late, and are showing regret for the accommodations they've made. Ditto regarding their willingness to pity-placate autogynephiles.

ceci n'est pas une femme



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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