[there is no gay religion retard.]
Quite false. They've become a cult with: radical beliefs, flags to mark their territory, newspapers, websites, TV networks, economic forces, etc. and all contrary to established science, religion, moral standards and decency. And yes, homosexuals like fanatic Islamic terrorists are jihading to remake society. Homosexuals have no right to usurp the power of the state to force a Reformation of their choosing upon the mass public. No Right of the minority to tyrannize the majority has ever existed.
So is my laptop a temple for the Dell religion now?
I mean, they have a website, a magazine - All things religions also have!
"Homosexuals have no right to usurp the power of the state to force a Reformation of their choosing upon the mass public. No Right of the minority to tyrannize the majority has ever existed. "
Says the fundie who claims right to usurp the power of the state to force a Reformation of their choosing upon the mass public.
"They've become a cult with: radical beliefs, flags to mark their territory, newspapers, websites, TV networks, economic forces, etc."
Because you know, Christians have never had ANY of those things...
Homosexuals have no right to usurp the power of the state to force a Reformation of their choosing upon the mass public.
To the contrary. Homosexuals, just like every other citizen of the United States, has every right to lobby for legislative change to the law. That's one of the facets of our form of government that made us the greatest country in the world.
I still don't understand. When these loonies want to excoriate something they consider vile (evolution, homosexuality, outdoor grilling), the most scathing label they can come up with is "religion." Ah, but what the hell, they're fundies, aren't they?
I believe it is still the right of Americans to try and change things by protest, organising, lobbying etc.
Or are teh gheys denied that right!?
Wow, I'm a member of multiple cults! Not only am I a same-sex married bisexual woman, but I'm a NASCAR fan. We are an economic force (we support our drivers' sponsors, and towns like Martinsville, VA rely on the races to come twice a year), we've got flags with our drivers' numbers and logos, we've got a whole network (Speed Channel), we've got tons of websites and a few magazines, etc. We are also very interested in how the Detroit auto companies are doing right now, and we have an impact on zoning laws.
If you've taken a marketing class, you might think, "Those aren't cults, those are affiliate groups. That is what affiliate groups do." But I can see where that kind of thing would scare fundies. They are notoriously independent thinkers who hardly ever start their own publications, don't buy specialized merchandise, aren't interested in having their own shops, feel no need to keep their money within their own community, etc.
"radical beliefs, flags to mark their territory, newspapers, websites, TV networks, economic forces, etc"
So, the Buffalo Bills are a religion then?
Holy shit Tim Russert was a prophet who died for our sins!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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