Various Commenters #transphobia

Creepy r/MtF thread about wanting to skinwalk the women they're attracted to

( hontrapoints )
This is seriously the creepiest shit ever. They really have no reservations about violating women's boundaries.

I've known several TIMs throughout my life. The idea that there is even the slightest possibility one may have considered skin walking me at any point makes me wish I were dead. The simple idea feels almost violating at a core level.

( Carrots90 )
Do not ever turn it on yourself. It’s not you that needs to be gone.

Just use biologically correct pronouns.

Supposedly that just invalidates them off into some other dimension.

( bellatrixbells )
Yesterday I was scrolling a thread where a bunch of scrotes and handmaidens were asking every dissenting woman if she'd ever met a TIM. I was like... Honestly dude IRL I've only met and actually interacted with, like, seven or eight and all of them creeped me out at the most intimate level. Pretty sure those who say "you've obviously never met a twans wimin" are the ones who never have. 😒

( puppy_cat )
I live in a pretty liberal area and somehow have had freakish luck with running into or seeing many (like at the very least 30+ of them over a good 6+ years). One of the first I remember was for some reason the friend of a girl I worked with in retail when I was younger (like maybe around 16 years old) and this guy would come in the store wearing miniskirts (wish I could unsee it) and talk to her and me, and ask for us to all "hang out". He was probably, at the very least, 40 years old. I've never met any TiMs that weren't creepy or fetishistic, or outright pedophiles (personally know 2 men who were outed as pedophiles and then suddenly "transitioned"). And the ones I didn't have any relationship with who were just strangers or worked in stores I was going into all acted unwell, too.

( puppy_cat )
I have actually had a man online tell me that I'm the reason he's "transitioning". He was a complete stranger that wrote to me on social media and had apparently stalked my photos for a while (I wasn't even aware I had some of my settings on public). He said it "took him a while to figure out if he just was very attracted to me or wanted to be me" and "found out it was both, but moreso wanting to be me". These men are unhinged.



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