The most godly version of goverment is monoacry, god never institutes a democracy, and a woman is not to have authority over a man. I'd tell you to read the Bible but most of you are too busy running away from God to even bother picking up the KJB.
Wheeeee I'm getting away! Catch me if you can God!
How is it that we're running away from an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent celestial being?
Get back under the bridge. it that unapparent to her that a monarch would view a monarchy as the holiest form of government?
This seems like Poe, but I'm almost on the fence with it.
So, since Saudi Arabia has a monarchy, it is currently practicing the most godly form of government? But I thought you hated the Muslims!
Oh well, as your views are moronic, it's probably too much to expect consistency from you.
Gee, I guess the US of A is not a "monoacry", then.
Find a country with a "godly" government that suits you, and move there. You will need to learn a different language, though.
No amount of lying and wishful thinking on your part is going to trump my constitutional freedom.
Technically the Netherlands is a monarchy since we have a queen (mostly symbolic), but we also have a democratic government.
Is out government "godly"? We've got a queen, so that might be problematic and the democratic part has women in it. Guess we'll still go to hell in a hand basket.
Actually, the KJB happens to be on my desk, right now. *picks it up*. Yeh, so what did you want me to do with it again?
Ah-HA! IFBaptist Girl has just admitted that the USA is NOT a "Christian" country, nor was it founded on "Christian" ideals! Since it has been a democracy from the start, it (according to her) could not have been instituted by God.
Ha ha, I bet she didn't even notice that she completely contradicted one of the fundies' pet claims. Ha ha ha!
BTW IFBaptist Girl: the KJV is one of the poorest Bible translations ever- whether you want to admit it or not. If you really were interested in following the word of God you'd try to find the most reliable translation available, instead of relying on an old version that happens to support your personal prejudices. What was that again, that the Bible says about following the traditions of men instead of the traditions of God? Hmmmm...
Maybe IFBaptist Girl (or BroRandy or whoever this troll is) is the one who needs to pick up the KJB and actually read it, especially the eighth chapter of I Samuel, which makes it clear that bible god did NOT want Israel to be a monarchy.
Most Godly apparently means most flawed.
Monarchies are the worst possible form of geovernment becasue the monarch could be a complete lunatic and his son could be an inbred lunatic (as most monarchies try to keep their blood 'pure' by marrying siblings and cousins). There is no check on their power and it is often abused to the point of a dictatorship. At least in a Dictatorship, the leader has enough competance to seize power for him/herself.
Next fact:
women are perfectly capable of being in charge of men. I suggest IFBG read something other than the bible for once, perhaps something not written by bronze-age bigoted morons. Then make her own opinions on things insead of being spoonfed grade A bullshit.
Last fact:
It is impossible to run away from something that does not exist.
Well, if I don't pick up the KJV, it's the fundies fault for giving me another version. Of course, the KJV is not the most common version to hand out in a spanish speaking, mostly catholic country.
Aha. This is cross-posted from her reply to another post. So, again (on the off-chance she checks in to argue):
"god never institutes a democracy"?
See Euclid. See Euclid pick up a Bible (KJV even). See Euclid read Romans 13:1. See IFBGirl. See IFBGirl lose.
"and a woman is not to have authority over a man"?
See Euclid thumb backward through said Bible. See Deborah. See IFBGirl lose again.
Wouldn't that mean that the US is not in fact a Christian nation, as fundies are so bent on claiming?
I think this one's a troll, personally.
Bullshit. The most godawful godly godwinlicious godverment is clearly an monomonopcracy.
And yes, we're not playing Hide and Seek you silly child.
One, monoacry doesn't exist. Second, if God never institutes a democracy, why are you living under one with no objection?. Third, they have read the Bible. It's just that they're not convinced by speaking snakes and bloodshedding people.
We have a few monarchies here in nortern Europe. The royals weren't so good at their jobs though so we took away their authorities.
You're a few hundred years late. Who would you like to be the King of America by the way? Randy?
We have a king here in Sweden. When he dies or retires we will have a queen. A smart and well-educated woman, who is about to marry a "commoner".
Neither of them have any real authority, of course. It would be foolish to let the government of a country be inherited. Then you'll end up with moronic kings and infant kings, and several different kings in a short succession if they happen to die quickly.
I'd tell you to read the Bible but most of you are too busy running away from God to even bother picking up the KJB.
I'm sure IFBG would be shocked to find that I'd read the whole damn KJV, complete with commands of genocide and insistence that only a priest is qualified to determine whether mildew means a house must be burned down. I'm sure she'd be even more shocked to find that after talking with a few classics professors and fluent speakers/readers of Hebrew, I really prefer a good heavily-annotated NRSV. Still has most of the crazy sociopathic inhumane immoral shit, but at least I have the notes to put it in context.
"god never institutes a democracy"
According to your beloved KJV, yes he does.
Romans 13:1 (KJV), "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God ."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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