The struggle Protestantism has with veneration of the Saints and Angels is what could be termed a “flattening” of grace in its theology.
For Protestantism its Jesus and then just everyone else.
It’s the same font the idea comes from of just, “Jesus and me”.
Protestant theology can’t understand that there exists a hierarchy among His followers - just like exists among the angels.
It can’t make room for the idea that within the Divine economy - some are created with a capacity for GREATER holiness and a greater mission. Therefore, they require GREATER grace - both in kind and quantity.
Yes - some people are holier than others and are loved MORE by God because He wills it that way.
Additionally, because of the unique character of their mission, some are given SINGULAR grace because their mission is SINGULAR- not like other missions and not to be shared in by others.
Mary is the Supreme example of this. Only ONE person could be the Mother of God.
Only ONE person could be His foster father on earth.
Only ONE person could be His herald.
Only ONE person could be the Rock His Church would be established on.
Only ONE person could be the Apostle to the Gentiles.
And so it goes down through history.
Some people receive unique and singular graces because they NEED them to accomplish what the Divine Will has established for them.
Protestantism can’t make room for these theological glories because it refuses to allow that some are holier than others - not because of the individual, but because God has ordained it.
This was true even in the OT - Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, each of the prophets etc.
It’s how the Holy Trinity “works”.
Not everyone is equal in grace given and mission assigned.
Those who have a unique calling and cooperate with the accorded grace are worthy of honor and veneration.