Martin Kerr #wingnut
[From “Notes on the Leadership Principle (Das Führerprinzip)”]
There are different leadership doctrines or theories. That which we National Socialists embrace is known as the “Leadership Principle,” or in German “das Führerprinzip.“ As with much else relating to our Movement and our Worldview, it has been the subject of deliberate distortion and misrepresentation by our enemies, so much so that even some National Socialists misunderstand it[…]
As it is commonly (if falsely) portrayed, the Leadership Principle is synonomous with absolute dictatorship[…]
If a leader is unable to perform his duties in a satisfactory manner, he should be replaced and assigned a task that he can manage properly. Because he is given absolute authority to complete his task, the leader must bear absolute responsibility if he fails[…]
It is not true, as our oppoents charge, that the one on the top of the leadership pyramid has only authority and no responsibility – that there are no limits or controls on what he can or cannot do. In the first instance, the ultimate leader[…]is responsible to himself as a National Socialist and as an Aryan. Someone who is corrupt or venal – as most or many politicans are today – will not be able to rise[…]
As National Socialists, our main concern is not how to get a bad supreme leader out of office but rather how to put the best-qualified man into the post[…]
The Leadership Principle served the Hitler movement well in Germany and it has well-served our Cause in America since the War. It is one reason why we have survived for 61 years[…]We note that the Leadership Principle is used by every military formation in the world, and that the Roman Catholic Church – the oldest institution in the world – also runs on its precepts
So let the Republicans and the Democrats and their imitators have their elections and their committees. Let them run their organizations on consensus and majority votes – and let them see where that leads them in the end