Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com


The inmates have put on suits and ties. That veneer of respectability has fooled the undiscerning, and now the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Case in point: the dimocrat debates, hosting a fifth column who have abandoned all pretense of rationality. Having graduated the corrupt school system as card-carrying liberals, their source of voters is confined to the dregs. Hence their zeal in vying to outdo each other in delusionality, reacting to trigger words like 'Trump' with howls of self-righteous indignation.

Comrade Sanders wants free college. Like giving a blank check to a home remodeler, this guarantees no limit to hikes in tuition. His plan to place rotating judges on the supreme court to infuse 'fresh blood' requires some translating of the dim-speak: fresh blood equals liberal stooges who will obediently toe the globalist line. Comrade Fauxcahontas wants 'gay reparations'. Like its Civil War counterpart, this penalizes that vast majority who have done nothing wrong. Of course, to the leftist mind, deplorables are responsible for all the nation's ills.

Local news has been permanently co-opted by the left. When the president launched a cyber attack on the mad mullahs, reporters found a computer student who performed on cue by calling it 'unprecedented' and 'dangerous'. When the president called off an air attack, liberal anchors called it 'weak' in the expected knee-jerk opposition to everything he does.

Yet the leftist spin-meisters ignore the rapidly festering beast system. Retailers are putting together a social score that raises prices for those who don't pass muster. On Walmart's self-serve kiosks, your not-so-smiling face confronts you on the monitor. Try not to wink, lest it lower your score and bring it to the attention of one who awaits his call onto the world stage.


(image is Bernie Sanders wearing a mask of…someone.)



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