Anonymous Coward #fundie #conspiracy
Coronavirus is deceiving Christians
I have been following with concern the reactions of Christians corona virus pandemic. Here are a few key points:
(1) Blind and unconditional submission to WHO (World Health Organization) or UN rules.
Unfortunately, for example, Pekka Reinikainen has verbally stated in his TV7 program that the best and most professional knowledge of the current situation should be taken by submitting to the WHO. He also supports taking vaccines. This is a serious delusion, since the WHO, established in 1948, is part of the UN system of the world, which, by its very principle, also regulates the world's population, by maintaining "peace." WHO also supports abortion and sterilization because of the overpopulation of the world. The highest authority must be the God of the Bible, and HIS Word, not a secular organization (not even a secular authority) or institute. Wisdom - for every future situation - must now be prayed to God the Father in the name of Jesus. Observance of authority must be done only by God's will, not against it.
(2) News or rules made by the media or society must not be criticized: it is the dissemination of conspiracy theories.
The media is clearly biased, and here too propaganda. Thus, false news also circulates in the mainstream media. If we prohibit intrusive free thinking, then we will support the media's propaganda-dominated rule, which clearly involves lies and sin. The rules of society are made to be obeyed, but blind submission - beyond the will of God - signifies supremacy in the life of a believer. The so-called conspiracy theories are also often the wrong "stamp ax" to ban criticism and especially the questioning and exploration of "images" created by the media.
(3) Christians should unite and forget all doctrinal issues: the ecumenical goal
A parishioner (online publication) called on Christians to place a prayer front against the coronavirus in Rome. This is a great sign of error. The corona panic has blinded Christians to deeper involvement in ecumenical deception. The Pope himself is praying to the Virgin Mary - which should be a clear indication that one who is not in the Bible faith cannot be involved in such a "prayer front". TV7 has also called "prayer front" in its programs, led by Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn continues to represent success theology and is a deceiver here. Blind "prayer" is thus partly a deceiver. In the Bible, God looks for those who pray in the Spirit and in the truth. The Church of God is ONE, only by the truth of the Word. Ecumenism is thus a delusion and a lie, out of biblical faith. Now the bible is to separate the lie from the truth, the darkness from the light - and not blindly enter into the wrong religious "prayer front." Then our prayer rises from the truth - in faith in Jesus, in the Holy Spirit of God.
(4) Criticizing vaccines is a contempt for human life and thus an antichristic activity: false accusation and prohibition on the pharmaceutical industry
The Bible does not require a believer to submit to the "forced" vaccine rules. On the contrary, biblical faith originates in faith in an almighty God and in the corresponding sanctification of the body (healthy life and diet). The purpose of biblical faith is eternal life, not eternal worldly happiness. The Lord Jesus has overcome death, so the fear of death must not be part of the believer. Vaccine designs are very unclear in their background, and the effects of vaccines have also been shown to be dangerous. That being said. is not wrong - or against the love of one's neighbor - against a critically placed vaccine "boom." On the contrary, it is the true love of one's neighbor - to critically evaluate the operations of pharmaceutical companies, their financial aspirations, and drugs that are dangerous to their health. Believing in God's love and mercy in the Lord Jesus must be greater than the "blind" confidence in medicine.
(5) Indifferent and Making the Situation Ridiculous: Banning and Underestimating Bible Prophecy
Bible prophecy clearly speaks of times of tribulation, as well as of plagues - as part of end-time events. If we despise the words of the Lord Jesus, and all of Bible prophecy, then we will be spiritually blinded by the flesh. Bible prophecy is a lamp that should shine a light on our feet as a special revelation from God: to provide comfort, hope, faith, and keep us in God's love. The omnipotence of God is at the heart of Bible prophecy, and the love of God - warns us of delusion, and of times of tribulation - that confronts the world because of sin. The prophetic word of the Bible is God's love for us.
(6) Wrong doctrine, and prohibition of clear world situations
False rapture doctrine is a heresy that suggests - that the antichrist will not come until after the church is captured. This is not the case. There have already been antichrists, and - the rapture, the salvation of the church from this world time, is clearly not until after the appearance of the child of perdition. If we get lost here, we may think that the forthcoming NEW WORLD ORDER is a manifestation of the power of "Jesus" on earth. World news, and its political-economic plan, are already talking about a new world order. Therefore, this is not a "conspiracy theory" or any "hoax" thing. If we deny this, we will close our eyes to clear developments in the world, where there should be a warning voice. The New World Order is the antichrist system, and the place where the child of perdition appears. The Lord Jesus will destroy this system, as well as the child of perdition, in His coming.
God's omnipotence, and faith in God's power and love must be above all earthly. Then also the Word of God will be loved and safe for us, in the midst of the end.
These are briefly written. I did not attach Bible verses to it now - which I could have done - but made a shorter essay.
Test the text with prayer and the Word of God.