Darwinism has no explanations on the differentiation of the genders and the development of sex organs. Every time they came up with a theory, it fell. Like a tiny man that entered the sperm and grew after fertilization.
There aren't any differences. Every man has a complete blueprint for a woman built into his genes. That's why men have nipples, an undeveloped uterus (it's called the prostate) and a vagina (hidden by the scrotum and used as a conduit for the blood vessels, ligaments and spermatic ducts attached to the testes).
a tiny man that entered the sperm and grew after fertilization
That one was discarded long before Darwin's time, but as I recall it did form the basis of St. Augustine's interpretation of original sin and how Jesus could be born without sin.
Are you referring to Paracelsus, by any chance?
We [most of us, anyway] know more about reproduction these days, coadie. Get with it!
Evolution accounts only for how the life was developed in the earth. However, there is asexual reproduction. Again, you have no idea how evolution works. I would suggest you to shut up before you make the fool.
According to numerous sources, such as Science Illustrated in Scandinavia, men's 'breasts' can be made to give milk.
As for the ovaries, they develop into testicles.
This is really ironic, because the bible's writers rather clearly believed that a baby was entirely a man's doing (his "seed"), and that the woman was just a vessel.
Sorry, can't pin this one on Darwin either.
It was the Christians who thought that little men grew after fertilization (homonculus anyone?). You know, that whole basis for the religious "embryos=people" argument?
And for the record, there are several explanations for the development of sex organs. And none of them lead to the sexist bullshit that your religion loves so dearly.
The addressed inanity aside, why did god make adam with testicles anyway? He made him first and made woman as an afterthought. He needed a cock for pissing, I assume, but he had no need for testes. So why did god give him nipples and testicles? Bueller? Anyone?
Men will grow breasts if given large doses of estrogen. When treating advanced, metastatic prostate cancer, they irradiate the breasts to keep them from growing before dosing the man with estrogen to retard the growth of the cancerous prostate cells. Men have superfluous mammary arteries to supply the breasts, the left one of which is often rerouted to the heart in cardiac bypass operations. The scrotum is simply the female labia grown together. There aren't any significant differences between a male and a female human - certain parts just stop developing in a fetal or immature state.
> men have...a vagina (hidden by the scrotum and used as a conduit for the blood vessels, ligaments and spermatic ducts attached to the testes).
Dammit, you caused me to get caught by my wife with my pants down and weilding a hand mirror.
You beast! You could at least tell us how! Apparently by having the baby suck it for long enough. Let me know how it goes.
You have a little stubby. Natural selection says that my Intercontinental Bountiful Cream Machine will attract more mates than your toothpick. I will have more progeny - proud, happy boys.
You and your invisible proof will be forgotten.
That's natural selection, fundie.
p.s., if you are female, disregard this
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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