December 2010 statistics for Wikipedia, removing special pages:
1 Main Page 155,291,284
2 WikiLeaks 5,032,217
3 Wiki 3,541,971
4 Christmas 2,900,390
5 Facebook 2,671,173
6 Julian Assange 2,553,885
7 Deaths in 2010 2,313,680
8 Initial 2,289,716
9 United States 2,238,124
10 Glee (TV series) 2,057,859
56 articles were viewed more than 1 million times, and 202 more than 500000 times.
Conservapedia current statistics - INTEGRATED OVER THE ENTIRE LIFE OF THE PROJECT:
1 Main Page 9,933,278
2 Atheism 5,053,383
3 Secularized Language 2,377,031
4 Barack Hussein Obama 2,174,874
5 Muslim agenda of the Obama administration 1,991,727
6 Wikipedia 1,980,833
7 Counterexamples to Relativity 1,804,509
8 Adolf Hitler 1,340,803
9 Conservative Bible Project 1,335,775
10 Homosexual Agenda 1,307,628
So we can see that Wikipedia is used a thousand times more than Conservapedia. Also, Conservapedia is very much a single-purpose and biased project, while Wikipedia covers a wide range of topics relatively equally (five times as many articles viewed within a factor of five as many times as the maximum-viewed article). The homosexuality aspect is no longer so prominent on Conservapedia, but they have added some complete bullshit (i.e. #7) to their conspiracy theories.