Various commenters #wingnut

Legal Consequences of Abortion
I am very pro-life and I want abortion both illegal and unwanted. However, what exactly does that look like? For something to be illegal, there must be a punishment. Would it be good if the woman went to jail along with the "doctor?" I believe that it is fair because she chose to have her own child killed but then again, the "doctor" is the one who actually did it.

What do y'all think?

I think that at least at first, punishment for women would be too much of a 180 from the current popular position. I think first banning performing abortions with strict punishment, then once it's both illegal to perform abortions and the concept of abortion is seen as around the same level as murder in the public eye, then we can illegalise procurement.

We need to take things slowly. Black Americans didn't get the right to vote right after being freed from slavery. I believe anyone that can be prosecuted for after birth murders should be also be prosecuted for pre birth murders. These include, getaway drivers, the person who wants to kill someone, the hitman, etc.....

However, that is simply not feasible to start with. Unfortunately history has shown that it will take time for these things to pass.

both women and doctor go to jail

I'm also Pro Life and I disagree with you on this. The so called doctors should absolutely be brought to justice for making a career out of killing innocent human beings and encouraging women to get an abortion.

But alot of women don't actually understand what exactly goes on when an abortion takes place, whether it's a pill or a procedure. When we decide who's innocent and who's guilty we always look at whether or not a person has the mens rea. So shouldn't that apply here? If a "doctor" tells a woman it's just taking out a ball of tissue I think alot of them probably believe that's all it is.



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