Ladies especially have to be careful because there are many women in this world (including in our churches) that HATE masculinity. They are female chauvinist pigs. In Baptist churches? Yes! Let me tell you... Americas churches are filled with carnal believers and feminists. I'm simply saying, be careful who you talk to! When these women poison your mind with garbage, and cause you to hurt your husband, they still have their marriage but you just ruined yours. I've seen this happen. People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation, etc... but they would never do such a thing to their own husband! And then to add insult to injury, they don't even call you back to see how your doing after they gave you a knife to stab your husband with. This is how rotten people can be... I'm talking about church people here too. The bottom line is, seek counsel from God's Word... not people. If you do go to someone, be very careful who you go to, and what you do with their advice. Remember what God says..
"People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation, etc... but they would never do such a thing to their own husband!"
Maybe their own husband doesn't beat them up.
"The bottom line is, seek counsel from God's Word... not people."
So you're telling us to ignore all of your crap? Since ever? Good to know!
People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation, etc...
Because people just do these things for the hell of it, and not maybe because their spouse is abusing them
"People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation"
So, was it your wife who reported you to the police for child molestation before she walked out?
Hilariously painful gif and a great point. Masculinity-alone is the stupidest thing. Left to it's own devices, it turns into that.
Femininity is the humanizing, civilizing force that reigns in it's worse excesses. Shiva without Shakti is just a corpse.
Men & Women are 100% equal but, IMHO, masculinity is morally bankrupt without femininity. To put it bluntly, femininity is slightly superior in a moral & behavioral sense.
Don't take this the wrong way, masculinity can be awesome and is still a necessary principal....but by itself, it mutates into these goofballs in that gif....or worse, DAESH.
Some may disagree. That's okay. I'm just going by observation.
People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation, etc...
Usually only in abusive relationships. Are you telling women to stay with their abusers?
Oh wait, it's David J. Stupid. Of course he is. Women are just property to him.
And Crazy PedoDave continues to distance himself from... well, everyone that he hadn't already driven away. Eventually, he's going to be utterly alone with only a net connection to keep him company. And the only people listening to anything he says... will be us, snarking the whole way.
This is what fundie thinking eventually does to you: renders you isolated in a hell of your own making.
Corrupt masculinity (the "society says because I have a Y chromosome, I am allowed to do whatever idiocy I want and get away with it!" kind. I'd bet my last dollar that the most feminine woman out there with the same freedom culturally drilled into them would find their own way to audition for Jackass). Either that, or it's all just meaningless culturally-enforced stereotyping anyway...
Then again, I'm male. So, grain of salt an' all.
I've seen this happen
What, from Guam?
Drew Pritchard knows his wife Rebecca is the financial brains behind his business 'Pritchard Antiques'. They have two daughers, who help in the running of his business during the summer. He even asks about her opinion & approval of the items he buys & brings back from his (& friend Tee's) searches for old stuff to restore & sell (even to the likes of chef Marco Pierre White, fashion designer Ralph Lauren, and actor Jim Carrey).
He's not threatened by being married to someone he considers an equal . Someone like him who is so secure in his gender...:
...that he makes the mere act of having tea & cake masculine .
Drew & Rebecca are still married. How about you , Davey-boy...?! >:D
[/New series of "Salvage Hunters" on 'Quest' later this month. YES!]
Why do I get the feeling Davey just discovered MRAs?
Xenu protect us, he's going to be their arch-douche.
I do not trust the advice from a sexist, male chuavinist pig like you, Dopey. You'd view any attempts to be treated as a woman shunning the idea that she is a man's possession as female chauvinism.
"but they would never do such a thing to their own husband!"
Maybe that's because their husbands are respectful, loving men that don't feel threatened by women wanting an equal voice in a relationship that is not based around them submitting themselves to the authority of the male gender.
"Maybe that's because their husbands are respectful, loving men that don't feel threatened by women wanting an equal voice in a relationship that is not based around them submitting themselves to the authority of the male gender. "
I'm not sure these are words David J. Stewart understands.
"And then to add insult to injury, they don't even call you back to see how your doing after they gave you a knife to stab your husband with."
What, your ex-wife is no longer in contact with the women that advised her to leave you?
How the fuck would you know?
Seriously, there's you, ex-wife, and these women in the church who told her not to put up with your shit... The only one of those still talking to you is you.
And... 'You're.' Look it up, purpose and use.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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