Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com



“Trans people” is a lie and fighting self-ID is not enough

But, even though “trans” has no coherent meaning, it is also true that the entire gender identity industry is an abusive and narcissistic lie. It’s also a misogynistic and lesbophobic lie. These statements are not inconsistent. “A man is a woman,” like “an apple is a banana,” is simultaneously nonsensical and untruthful.

There appear to be three categories of phenomena that we see playing out on society today, each of which is frequently put forth to explain what the words “trans people” might mean:

- People who take steps to physically modify their bodies using hormones and/or surgeries in order to appear to be more like the opposite sex (sometimes referred to as “true trans”); and

- People who simply state that they are the opposite sex and/or adopt appearances and/or behaviors that are commonly associated with the opposite sex (typically referred to as “self-ID”).

- People who claim to “be a gender” that is neither male nor female (so-called “non-binary,” “agender,” and “demi-gender” would seem to fit into this category, whatever any of those terms may mean).[...]

In the end, none of this really amounts to much, because at the end of the day, every single person who has ever been born is either male or female. However, because we are dealing with an industry that is pushing us to believe that “transgender” is real, because society has largely accepted that as truth, and especially because many people who claim to be either gender critical or gender abolitionist (or both) use words and phrases like “trans,” “trans people,” and “trans gender,” we have to deal with these phenomena straightforwardly.

Many feminists rightly take issue with self-ID. It is patently absurd for society and the law to accept that men can be women simply on the basis of their say-so or because they don a dress and lipstick. Accepting self-ID represents a complete redefinition of the words “women” and “woman,” and many people, especially feminists and our allies, find that concept to be deeply troubling. On what basis, after all, have we been fighting for our rights all this time if sex does not exist?




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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