Thorn Mooney & Jack Chanek #magick
(Thorn Mooney)
I’ve never been particularly talented, magically. What I *am* is hardworking and willing to fail a whole lot. Lots of witches tout raw ability and talent, but you can acquire skill and surpass the talented when talent is lazy. I often hear defeatist talk amongst beginners who aren’t “naturally” witches. We point to people who appear to be gifted and then write ourselves off. “I’m not naturally psychic,” “I’m no good at spells,” “I can’t discern spirits or gods,” and more. Magical talent absolutely exists and is wonderful to encounter—like music students with perfect pitch. But magic can also be taught and learned. You can *become* powerful. You can learn to be an effective spellcaster. You can build relationships in the spirit realm. You can hone psychic skills. You can learn divination. You can develop ritual leadership abilities. You can become a witch.
(Jack Chanek)
All of this! Additionally, witch spaces (especially online) sometimes fetishize the idea of being a "powerful" witch, and that's so beyond unhelpful. I don't even really know what it means. So much of witchcraft is just a matter of showing up and putting in the effort.
We are so focused on appearing like the MOST WITCHY witches ever on social media that we don’t really talk about the fact that...well...that whole “I’m super psychic” thing is ridiculously rare
Hi, I'm Jack. I'm a Witch, and I am decidedly NOT super psychic. I'm like... okay levels of psychic. Below-average-but-within-one-standard-deviation-of-the-mean psychic. Witchcraft is a skill acquired through training and work. You don't need boobs that tell you if it's raining.