David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The bogus story that radical Muslims caused the 911-attacks simply doesn't add up. Most of the provided names of the 911 attackers onboard the airplanes that crashed into the Trade Towers have been found alive and well. It's all lies and more lies. Of all people, the 911 Commission appointed Henry Kissinger (a warmonger and eugenicist) to lead the investigation. The public outcry was so great that they picked someone else. Of course, the 911 Commission was spearheaded by The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), which is like having the fox investigate the disappearance of chickens from the hen house. Here are 500 questions concerning the suspicious 911-attacks.
As far as I'm concerned, those were my family members who were murdered in the 911-attacks. Over 200 brave firefighters died when those buildings collapsed. Doesn't it seem strange to you that Fox News attacks anyone who dares to even question the official 911 story? Sure it does. It shows that there's a massive cover-up, involving the highest level of government and the corporate-controlled newsmedia. I am not anti-government; but rather, anti-corruption and anti-evil. The biggest conspiracy theory of all is that a group of Muslims hijacked 2-jumbo jets and flew them into 2-buildings, thus causing 3-buildings to perfectly implode to the ground in just seconds.
And what about presidential directive w199-eye signed by president George W. Bush prior to 911, blocking all investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department of the suspect Saudi terrorists prior to 911? It's the smoking gun of the 911 attacks. Only a dishonest person, or a coward, would deny all the blatant evidence and blindly claim that 911 wasn't an inside job. At a minimum an honest person would consider the evidence and listen to the thousands of people who WERE THERE on 911, and said they think 911 was an inside job. Earthquake seismographs have also shown multiple tremors as the buildings collapsed, showing multiple explosions were used to bring down the Trade Towers.
As shocking as it may seem, the newsmedia were even reporting that WTC 7 had fallen, while the building was still in plain view for another 20-minutes in the background. This is how blatant these New World Order liars are, and also shows how sold out to Satan the newsmedia is. The media are so evil that they'll devour their own children. They're total scum, plain and simple. That's why newsmedia women dress like whores and their men cover for criminals. There's a lot of scum in America's so-called professional society. Don't think that God has missed anything. Even the words out of everyone's mouth is going to be judged by God on Judgment Day (Matthew 12:36). Blessed by the name of the Lord.
The New World Order criminal gang has used the 911-attacks to take away the freedom's of Americans, and we're stupid enough to tolerate this removal of our legal Bill of Rights. If enough American's got upset, they couldn't get away with this. Sadly, most people are willing to sell their soul for so-called “security,” from a boogieman that the government created to spook us. The War On Terror is bogus. It is a false War On Terror, a rotten scam to enslave the world. The Public School System has dumbed-down America's children, to where they think like morons, believing that voting is the most powerful thing they can do. No, dissent is the most powerful weapon we have against tyranny. It is a vile crime what is happening in America's airports against the American people. We are surviving today in Nazi-Amerika.