Various commenters #wingnut

Unborn children are terrorists, apparently

spoilerI mean yeah pro life is biological terrorism. It's an
ideology which forces women to carry fetuses,
parasites which rob women of their nutrients and
kill and injure thousands of women every year.
Also, pro lifers have committed numerous terrorist
attacks against abortion facilities and even
assassinations, so yes, they're terrorists. They
promote the protection of parasites which commit
acts of violence against women's bodies, and
commit terrorist acts themselves. That's textbook
biological terrorism, and fetuses and their pro life
apologists are biological terrorists.

Mentions how some PL people vandalize abortion facilities yet conveniently ignores how the opposite situation also happens (and is frequently given a free pass by the PC community).


Mentions how some PL people vandalize abortion facilities yet conveniently ignores how the opposite situation also happens (and is frequently given a free pass by the PC community).

I've seen several instances of "IF ABORTIONS AREN'T SAFE THEN NEITHER ARE YOU" spray-painted on the remains of vandalised buildings, along with Anarchist symbols.

159 upvotes on a post calling babies and people with different opinions terrorists? And there are still pro lifers thinking we can reason with the pro abortion side. My faith in humanity has fallen so low that it will be very hard for it to be restored.

Pro aborts should be treated as terrorists.

Well they shouldn't, that's an extreme and virulently discriminatory claim. Pro-abortion activists should be treated as normal citizens with clinically insane ideas, like Flat-Earthers, anti-vaccine people, scientologists, neo-nazis, Nation of Islam members, etc..

The difference between flat earthers and pro abortionists is that the second group is actively killing people. I don't see how they can be compared.

So being pro life is biological terrorism, but infanticide and the mass murder of the pre born isn’t?



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