Agent Kilroy #conspiracy
Microwave, ELF, EHF, and EMF... If you've clicked on this thread, you likely know what I'm talking about.
I have known of the HAARP for over half of my life. The knowledge I have of the HAARP in particular, I obtained from a former government agent, whom I will call GB for now (who has since passed away). I had, and still do, have great respect for GB because of their hand in protecting the American people. I ask that you send a 'thank you' to the sky for them.
But, that isn't the story we're gathered for today.
To simplify- No, liberals and educationally-failed, mentally-fried and unstable youth, the HAARP is NOT a conspiracy. Unless you eat tide pods and also believe that you're living on a flat earth, then go ahead and deny it; you're already FUBAR'd.
With that said, I now make my point-
I am confident in my accuracy to assume that many people (on this forum and beyond) have personally felt, heard and or seen, effects of the HAARP, known formally as the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
On the contrary, the HAARP is not limited to EHF (extremely high frequency).
Researchers have concluded that the HAARP's frequencies can vary quite drastically.
-The friendly topic of discussion-
Does anybody here want to share their stories of the HAARP, Woodpecker, or 5G/GWEN tower experiences?
Personally, I have had many experiences with the HAARP and recently, 5G.
Back before 5G was a "thing" that the brainwashed and individuality-squandered youth worshiped, there was just the HAARP.
Alas, now we have multiple HAARPs planted around the world, even the miniature 5G (basically being used as miniature Tesla/HAARPs)
Yes, did you know that the HAARP was based on an invention by Nikola Tesla before he was murdered? I may start a second thread someday discussing Tesla's original creation.
I often noticed the usage and effects of the HAARP mostly during elections (as they have to keep the masses delirious during times of vital decision making), just BEFORE large events (such as the 'BIG NEWS' hurricanes, mass tornado outbreaks, terroristic events, etc).
Again, these experiences are often felt before something 'big'/growth of agendas are taking place.
- Symptoms (multiple or individual)-
- Headaches/Migraines
They begin on a dime and dissipate just as quickly as they begin and they can start at a certain time every day for days/weeks on end- unlike any other headaches.
- Dialup/Digital Tones
They feel embedded in your head, sometimes you will hear one frequency and someone else hears another (or nothing) due to multiple-frequency blasting.
- Body Pulsating
Can be felt in your head, chest, or even whole body, especially while attempting to sleep or relax.
-Frequent Déjà Vu
Which can last for seconds, minutes, and I've even had déjà vu to attack multiple times throughout an entire day.
- Confusion
Such as walking into rooms or going to locations and realizing that there was no reason to be there- these are often called subliminal suggestions, which cause you to do things subconsciously until you begin questioning yourself.
- Anxiety
Sudden onset of anxiety while doing daily tasks that are not of concern to you.
- Anger
Unexplained anger, disgust, rage, or irritability over nothing, often towards other people, or pets.
- Depression
Unexplainable depression can be caused, and can come from nowhere; lasting for only minutes, hours or even days.
- Muscle Reactions
Mild to violent involuntary muscle spasms (not caused by exercise, excessive sodium intake, or dehydration) ranging from back, thigh, calf, groin, upper arm, forearm, neck and even facial. The sudden involuntary jerking of muscles has also been reported.
- Lethargic Behavior
Feeling unrested, achy and lazy for no reason; feeling mentally aware but physically unable to gather any strength.
- Communication and Thought Blocking
Temporarily forgetting what you were going to say/do, difficulty retrieving basic words and struggling with general communication skills; often occurring throughout the day, lasting days and even weeks.
- Balance Issues
Loss of balance sitting, standing or even walking. Or as I call them, random gravity checks.
- Mild Electrical Shocks and Static
Being awoken in the middle of the night by sharp shock and jolt throughout your body, or your head. The sensation of static/hair anywhere or everywhere on your body, it can be extremely annoying.
I do not wish the HAARP's effects on anybody... (Besides maybe the NWO elitists).
However, over my lifetime, I have compiled a collection of HAARP/5G combating strategies that I always go-to when I feel like something is going digitally-rogue in my environment, or I feel like governmental brainwashing is dancing in the air.
-Combat the Wash with LARD-
- Look yourself in the mirror and focus on the consciousness in your eyes.
- Assign a computer-language "command" to lock the HAARP out of your energy field, such as "entry denied", "access denied", " you are not authorized to enter". Again, sounds silly, but can be quite effective, especially for ringing/digital-tones being sent into your head.
- Remind yourself of your full name, (even though it feels a bit strange).
"My name is: John Jay Doe, I am 45 years old and I live on 12345 Appleseed Drive". Reminding your conscious and subconscious who you are and your confidence in your identity is key. Of you're under any sort of mental attack, you can feel a shift in your consciousness when you focus on who YOU are. Either recite mentally or recite out loud. Sure, it feels silly, sounds silly, but it works.
- Do something completely off-the-wall.
Effective for breaking long-lasting déjà vu. If you're walking through the room and déjà vu follows you for minutes on end, stop walking, turn around, do a side-step, and maybe even try a dance move. Do something out of character to disturb the "algorithm" of your déjà vu. Repeat as many times as needed until you feel separated from the waves.
That is all I have for now.
Maybe others will share their stories and bring some more minds to this topic.
If I have missed any effects of the HAARP or 5G, please comment and I will try to add the detail to the lost above.