
DrawAnna666 #conspiracy reddit.com

I believe the UHC assassin was a woman.
Everything about this person seems to me like they're female. Facial features, the way she came up the subway stairs the position she's standing in at the hostel counter, her wrists. The way she steps out from behind the car and raises the gun. The way she aims it. I mean...I see a woman. Does anyone else see what I see or am I delusional?

Donald Trump #racist #wingnut news.yahoo.com

Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”

Speaking with Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson, Trump argued that the United States—which was founded by and has historically been a nation of immigrants—shouldn’t be a “dumping ground” for newcomers.

“But we’re getting the criminals out, and we’re going to do that fast, and we know who they are, and the local police know their names, and they know their serial numbers,” Trump said. “They know everything about them.”

Trump has regularly mimicked Adolf Hitler during his campaign. But the mention of serial numbers—a terrifying echo of the identification numbers forcibly tattooed on concentration camp prisoners—is one of his most chilling references yet.

Mira via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

Hello dear friends, this is Mira, working full time for the Earth Ascension project, here with several of my team members. We wish for you to know that you are well watched over, and that all is rapidly proceeding according to divine order and plan. We are not privy to the entire plan of the Divine, and we are unable to display any dates for you, but we can say that dating and timing is in flux as you are ascending more rapidly than was previously anticipated. You are holding the light codes with more aplomb than your bodies were previously able to handle, and you are radiating more and more light out towards us, towards the cosmos and other aspects of your great selves.


I Mira am speaking to you. I love you. I have great tenderness in my heart for this project and many of you are my friends and family from days – lifetimes – gone past. We do not age within the time field of no time and I have known your soul’s for millinea, many of you. I come forward this night at the request of this one, to offer encouragement and a news update as best as I can. There is much that of course I cannot share but much that I can and what I see as the biggest change since my last debriefing with you, friends, is the climate of energetics that you are radiating. We see more light from the earth emanating from you to us, and we see more light holders holding more and beaming more confidently. The ascension will happen whether every one is ready for it or not and it will happen regardless of who is in charge on any political scenes below, do you see? This cannot be stopped. The light, the planets, the very astrology of the cosmos is conspiring for the will of Creator to be put in place. There is much that has shifted and improved from our perspective. The underground bases are much more cleaned out and only a few tunnels remain, but we have technology that others do not and this technology we lovingly utilize to minimize any harm and to maximize the outcome of success.

I believe you will be excited to see the progress from our side of the screen. Won’t you join us tonight? Your Pleiadian family is here for you, as are your other many space family lineages. You are never alone, far from it. You are highly watched over. Another item that has condensed is your timeframe of manifestation. It is more instant now, so be careful what you wish for, and be open for miracles for they are on their way. We can see great changes and joys ahead for humanity. I Mira send you my love. We are tirelessly working night and day for your successful ascension project completion. Blessings. Over and out.

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma Public Schools #fundie #wingnut bbc.com

Oklahoma orders schools to teach Bible 'immediately'

Oklahoma's top education official has ordered schools in the state to begin incorporating the Bible into lessons, in the latest US cultural flashpoint over religion in the classroom.

A directive sent by Republican state Superintendent Ryan Walters said the rule was compulsory, requiring "immediate and strict compliance".

The rule will apply to lessons for all public school students aged from around 11-18.

It comes a week after Louisiana's governor signed a law directing all public schools in that state to display the Ten Commandments.

In a statement on Thursday, Mr Walters described the Bible as "an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone".

"Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation, which is why Oklahoma educational standards provide for its instruction," he added.

Mr Walters, a former public school history teacher, was elected to his post in 2022 after campaigning on a platform of combating "woke ideology" and eliminating "radical leftists" from Oklahoma's education system.

Michael T McFall #fundie #ableist #crackpot onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Divine Hiddennesss and Spiritual Autism
ABSTRACT: If God exists and wishes to be known, then why do some not have a relationship with God? Arguments against atheist conclusions from divine hiddenness have been offered, but I ask how understanding autism may help to explain seeking reflective nonbelievers. Seeking reflective nonbelievers are in a state of spiritual autism. If a spiritual autist, one does not know God relationally. Autism is a significant disability in that it can preclude knowing others as persons qua persons. I provide an overview of autism and spiritual autism, review the problem of divine hiddenness, and address six issues that reveal how spiritual autism may be overcome.

Patricia Cota-Robles #fundie #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Since the Equinox on March 19, 2024, wave after wave after wave of powerful Solar Light Codes from the newly opened Portals within the System of our Grand Central Sun have been blessing the Earth. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have all benefited from this influx of Light in amazing and very valuable ways. Humanity’s nervous systems have been strengthened and our ability to “see with new eyes” and “hear with new ears” has been greatly enhanced as well.

At this time, we are being told by the Beings of Light that every person’s I AM Presence is now in position to help us tap into the Sacred Knowledge that will reveal what our Divine Missions will be during this NEW phase of our Ascension process. All we have to do is go within to the Divinity of our Heart Flame and ask our I AM Presence to reveal this profound Truth to us.

Prior to the March Equinox, a Matrix was formed in the Realms of Cause through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The Divine Intent of this Matrix is to bring to the surface of each person’s conscious mind the realization that NOW is the time for all of us to clearly perceive the reality of our NEW Divine Missions.


Now, through the power of the Spoken Word and enhanced by the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Renewal and Restoration I decree:

I AM the Resurrection and the Life, the Renewal and the Restoration of the Immaculate Concept of my NEW Divine Mission.

I accept that I AM my I AM Presence. I AM a Beloved Child of God. I AM a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. I AM the Open Door for the Light of God that no one can shut.


I AM charging All Life in, through and around the Earth with the full power and might of the 5D Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Renewal and Restoration.

I AM the Cause of this Blessing. I AM the Bridge over which this Sacred Fire flows. I AM the final effect of Divinity reestablished on Earth by this Sacred Fire.

And I AM Cocreating the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in all of its resplendent Glory in the physical World of form. And so it is, as God in Action,


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

Kristi Noem #psycho theguardian.com

Conservative pundits have condemned the South Dakota governor and possible Trump running mate Kristi Noem, amid widespread horror over her admission in a new book that she killed both an “untrainable” dog and an unruly goat during a single day in hunting season.


“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, saying Cricket was “untrainable … dangerous” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.

“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”

Noem describes taking Cricket to a gravel pit on her farm and shooting her. Remarkably, Noem then describes how she also chose to kill an unruly, unnamed, un-castrated goat, first botching the job then finishing the animal off with a third shotgun shell.

Young-hae Chi #ufo #conspiracy nbcnews.com

Space aliens are breeding with humans, university instructor says. Scientists say otherwise.

[A]n instructor at the University of Oxford in England believes the [alien] abductions are real. Young-hae Chi, who teaches Korean at the university, also claims to know what the aliens have in mind. In lectures given at the university, he says they're creating alien-human hybrids as a hedge against climate change. To support his unorthodox theory, Chi notes that for several decades the number of reported alien abductions has risen. He bases this statement on the work of David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books on ufology and who runs the International Center for Abduction Research.


Jacobs has interviewed more than a thousand people who claim to have been abducted, using hypnotic regression that apparently allows them to recall their unearthly encounters with aliens. (Mind you, this too is controversial, and Jacobs himself admits that people should be skeptical of these recollections.)

Chi takes the claims at face value, and links the growing number of abductees cataloged by Jacobs to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. He doesn't imply a cause and effect: The abduction experiment is not responsible for global warming. Rather, it's a reaction to it. The extraterrestrials are producing hybrids that can better withstand the rigors of a toastier planet. By producing a new model of Homo sapiens, this project would eliminate the need for difficult climate accords or elaborate geoengineering projects. It would also help the aliens themselves — who are said to be living among us — by preserving the part of their DNA that's carried by the temperature-tolerant hybrids.

Archangel Michael via James McConnell #fundie #crackpot #magick voyages-of-light.com

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, at this amazing time of change that you are moving into at this point. Change that many of you have been expecting for quite some time but have been largely discouraged because it hasn’t happened yet.

Those things that you are expecting to happen, that you have heard will happen, will indeed happen, but not on your timeframe, not on the timeframe of the people of the earth, but on divine time, divine happening.

What is approaching is a divine happening that you are moving into. I speak now, yes, of that solar eclipse that you have spoken of in your discussion earlier.

And this is a momentous occasion that is about to happen. Not so much the solar flash, but a prelude to the solar flash. Just as the solar eclipse in the 2017 was a prelude to this solar eclipse. One is leading to the other and to the other and to the other.


A doorway opening up into a higher realm of consciousness, of moving closer and closer to the oneness that you all are seeking, into the higher level of life and the freedom that you are all looking toward.


As the Prime Creator, the Source of this universe stepped forward and said enough is enough. And has put forth the energy and the effort to bring about the changes that are needed to bring light from the shadows.

And this is what is represented by your solar eclipse. The shadow moving over and the light overtaking the shadow once again. But the light that comes forward after the shadow is a new higher level of light, a new higher level of energy that will spring forth.


I am Archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you will continue to understand that this is all part of the miracle that is ahead for all of us.

Judith Kusel #fundie #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Its like the cosmic rains of Lightcodes are pouring down and into us, after the solar eclipse.

They are filled with sacred geometries, sound and light, activating our highest soul potential as well as the higher octaves of sound and light.

Last night I could hear the angels and seraphim singing before I fell asleep, it was more than heavenly as they were celebrating.

We are now stepping into the fullness of the Shift in consciousness, while at the simultaneously the old is dismantled.

We will find our hearts are opened wider and we access the higher wisdom, knowledge, and love as our inner sight increases.

Just beautiful!

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very capable of seeing down many different timelines simultaneously, because we exist in the ninth dimension, and we can see the various timelines that are in front of each of you who are receiving these messages. We know that new timelines are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you. We know that you are very creative, in fact, and capable of reaching for the stars, quite literally. Many of you are wondering when ships will land all across the planet, and you wonder that with the idea that it is set in stone right now.


If you align with a version of the human collective that is ready for full and open e.t. contact next year, then you will have that experience. But if you look around and say, ‘These other humans aren’t ready,’ then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to you. Think better of your fellow humans and of yourselves. Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on how far you’ve come, how much potential there is within each and every one of you, and focus on the love that you are and the love that exists in every other human being. And while you’re at it, focus on the truth that all beings throughout the galaxy are love. They are Source Energy.

And sure, many of them have acted in ways that are much less than what you would expect from a Source Energy Being, but that just means you get to have the experience of forgiving them. You get to see the best in every being. That’s your choice; that’s the choice that will feel best to you when you make it. There really is no other choice, because you must make that choice in order to be who you really are, and being who you really are is where all roads lead to. You are all going home to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are.

So don’t forget that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Akste #magick spellsofmagic.com

Casting Instructions for 'Summoning para (A Finnish wealth spirit)'

1. Form the head of para from a children's hat by filling it with multicolored sticks

2. Put one consecrated eucharist wafer inside the head to give para a spirit (traditionally stolen from the church during communion)

3. Make the body from women's headcloth and fill it with threads.

4. Knit the body and head together.

5. Make the legs from three spindles by sticking them to the body pointing in opposite directions.

6. Take the para in an early Sunday morning to your local church (preferably Catholic of Lutheran) and run with it nine times around the church shouting: "The para is born".

7. Soon after the para is born and will jump on three legs.

Eli Regalado #fundie #mammon theguardian.com

‘The Lord told us to’: US pastor says he stole $1m from Christians to remodel home

A Colorado pastor who is charged with stealing more than $1m from his Christian community in a cryptocurrency scheme has admitted to the fraud but argued that God instructed him to carry it out.

Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn, are charged with creating and selling their cryptocurrency, known as “INDXcoin”, to Christians based in their home town of Denver, Colorado, allegedly telling would-be investors that the Lord had told him people would become rich if they invested, the state’s division of securities announced in a press release on Thursday.

But INDXcoin was “practically worthless” in reality, prosecutors said in the statement. Investors lost millions of dollars while the Regalados used their investments for lavish living.

In a video statement about the charges, Eli admitted that the couple had squandered $1.3m that was raised through cryptocurrency.

“The charges are that me and Kaitlyn pocketed $1.3m,” Regalado said in the video published to INDXcoin’s website on Friday. “I just wanted to come out and say those charges are true.”

Regalado added: “A few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do.”

Gabriel Green #ufo #conspiracy infinityexplorers.com

By the end of the 1950s, a man named Gabriel Green grabbed the attention of American ufologists and considered himself a keen researcher of the UFO subject. Interestingly, in 1960, he suddenly announced that the aliens had asked him to become the president of the United States.

United States presidents have always been officially skeptical about the topic of aliens and UFOs.
However, the most popular question remained answered, “Are UFOs and aliens real?”


There is a slight hint that former US presidents such as Nixon, Kennedy, and Eisenhower had some idea of ​​aliens. Unfortunately, they never officially disclosed anything. However, there is one name that is almost forgotten by everyone these days. This man wanted to get into the US Senate and also tried twice to become the President of the United States, publicly declaring that he has had regular contact with aliens.

Gabriel Green was a professional UFO photographer and researcher who was a registered candidate for the presidency of the United States in 1960 and 1972. Although he had no political experience, he was serious about becoming President of the United States. The reason for this, he said, was the “space people” who personally asked him to run for president in order to “save the world.”

Alina Habba #fundie #conspiracy rawstory.com

Alina Habba told a group of nearly 90,000 prayer warriors Sunday that the many court cases of Donald Trump were the work of Satan, new video shows.

Habba appeared on the Arc of Grace Ministries’ live broadcast to detail her battle to save America’s justice system from what she described as a nefarious foe.

“There’s God’s plan and then there’s the demonic plan,” Habba explained to Amanda Grace and 87,000 viewers of the online prophet’s YouTube show. “We need to fight these people that are obviously coordinated and are trying to have a crusade of election interference.”


“We have cases lined up intentionally during election time, intentionally trying to get negative attention,” Habba said Sunday. “Their demonic plan is so obvious.” […] “The more demonic, the more Trump derangement syndrome there is in this world,” said Habba, “the more support there is for the Trump family.”


The Ark of Grace founder praised Habba for doing the lord's work, then led a prayer calling upon God to battle wickedness in the U.S. courtrooms where Trump faces criminal charges, civil allegations, and 14th Amendment challenges to his candidacy.

Paying respects to the late Rosalynn Carter #announcement blog

As you have likely already heard, former US First Lady Rosalynn Carter passed away on Sunday. She was a very passionate mental-health and caregiver advocate, and those are both things that are close to my own heart for reasons that hit home for me. I’m posting this to pay my respects to her and ask you to keep the Carter family in your thoughts.

Ruby Franke #fundie #psycho npr.org

Ruby Franke, a Utah YouTube star who has spent the last eight years dishing out parenting advice to millions of followers, was arrested Wednesday alongside her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, on suspicion of aggravated child abuse.

Police said Franke's malnourished son escaped out a window with his arms and legs covered in duct tape, fleeing to a neighbor's house seeking food and water.


Franke is a 41-year-old Mormon mother of six from Ivins, Utah. Though active across several social media platform, she's best known for her once-popular YouTube channel, "8 Passengers."


Several other videos also show Franke threatening to take away meals as punishment.

There are also videos of Franke threatening to cut the head off her child's teddy bear, taking away the children's Christmas presents and sending her oldest boy to a behavioral camp where youth spend a minimum of 49 days in the wilderness with little gear.

Arthur Grand Technologies #racist arstechnica.com

After Redditors called out a Virginia-based tech firm for posting an “illegal and nauseating” job ad—which specified that only white US-born citizens would be considered—Arthur Grand Technologies has deleted the ad and shut down its website and social media presence entirely.

The deleted job ad was posted on Indeed, seeking to hire a Dallas-based business analyst for a long-term contract. The ad included a note labeled “don’t share with candidates” that said that “Only US Born Citizens [White]” would be considered, inciting outrage that not only was the job listing giving preference to white candidates but that the company intended to hide these illegal criteria from applicants.

[screenshot of the job ad]

Merln #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot amazon.com

This ebook provides many answers on who the Reptilians are/were and explains the huge impact that they have had, and still have, on the history of planet Earth for the past 50,000 years.

If the Reptilians were defeated, how do they control us still? It is all about the DNA of each of us. Do you think collectivism is the answer? Are you in favor of socialism and big government solutions? Do you believe that Unions still have a role to play in our societies? If so, it is probably an important part of your embedded DNA.

If, on the other hand, you think personal responsibility and self-reliance are positive attributes that should guide all of us, and that small government and keeping more of what you earn are important, then, that too, is probably an important part of your DNA.

You see, the Annunaki only arrived on Earth with 406 people and only six or them female. They came here looking for gold and diamonds and found both in large quantities. The trouble was it was very difficult work mining both gold and diamonds. Their solution was to "create" whole races of slave labor using the indigenous Primate populations starting with the Gorillas of southern Africa; that was where the mines were. They soon realized that they could mix their DNA with Primates from all over the planet and spent a lot of effort doing so. Their approach was to fly in by helicopter and capture all of the females in a primate grouping. They harvested the female reproductive eggs to use for DNA manipulation and put them back into the females for birth. We call that "in-vitro" insemination today.

Using this technique, the Annunaki created the Black, Arab, Indian (from India), American Indian, Australian Aborigine,Indo-Chinese, Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian, Jewish and many other native peoples. People wonder what happened to the Neanderthal peoples of Europe . The answer is that the Annunaki considered them to be the most advanced of the Primates and captured all of their females for genetic manipulation; the Neanderthals disappeared because they were not able to reproduce themselves in enough quantities for racial survival. The race the Annunaki created using the Neanderthals was their administrative Master race; we call them the Jews today. Abraham, the father of both Jews and Arabs was the High Priest/King to the Annunaki Ruler - En Lil here on Earth. En Lil fought a 35,000 year war against his brother, En Ki for control of the Earth. En Ki was Quetzalcoatl, the Feather-Serpent God of the Aztecs, and the lead "God" of the Mayan, Incan, Arab and Malaysian peoples., Slave peoples were bred as cannon-fodder in the wars between there two alien brother invaders.

So..... What do I mean by slave populations? The Annunaki are, themselves, a slave population of the Overlord Reptilians; they had been conquered and had their DNA modified to be "mind" controlled by their Reptilian masters. The Annunaki put this "mind" control DNA in all of their slave races. A major part of the Reptilian "mind" control DNA was a loyalty to and belief in the structure of the Reptilian Hive; what is good for the Hive is good for everyone.

Sidney Powell’s “source” #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot npr.org

A woman who says the wind talks to her and put forth claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race that she admitted were "pretty wackadoodle" turns out to be a key source of allegations that Fox News presented, night after night, to millions of viewers late that fall.
The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stock offered detailed and utterly false claims of how Dominion Voting Systems helped rig the election for Biden. She also shared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something "like time-travel in a semi-conscious state."
Powell's source also volunteered that the wind tells her that she's a ghost, though she doesn't believe it.
"Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live."

Thanh Ha #fundie #psycho fox13news.com

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - A Florida man says ‘spirits’ told him to set his boss’s future home on fire, according to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.


According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, [Thanh Ha] is seen [on surveillance video] walking into the home while trying to hide his face with his shirt. About five minutes later, deputies say video shows him running from the residence to his bicycle and riding away.


Deputies say Ha admitted to starting the fire and told them he was not upset at his boss, but did it because he was directed to by the ‘spirits’.

Mike Braun #racist #wingnut wfyi.org

U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage nationwide and should have left it to individual states.

Braun’s comments Tuesday came as he discussed what he’s looking for as he evaluates Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson.

As the Senate Judiciary Committee holds confirmation hearings for Jackson, Braun said she seems well qualified. And the GOP lawmaker said as he evaluates her record, he wants a justice who won’t be an “activist.”

Mary Mlller #racist #wingnut abcnews.go.com

Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., said at an Illinois Trump rally Saturday that the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was a "historic victory for white life."

"President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday," Miller said.

A spokesperson for Miller told The Associated Press the line was a "mix up of words."

Angels of the Womb of Gaia via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello, dear humankind. Ascending ones, we see you from the womb of our mother. We monitor her frequencies. She is ascending quite rapidly. Many levels of realities already exist. We see many timelines shriveling into mist. We see the fog clearing for humanity as a new day dawns.

We are the Angels of the Womb of the Mother. We are preparing for her to give birth. We see the ring of fire as fully dilated. We see this as a necessary realignment for Gaia’s transformation. For her chakras are spinning so fast now, dear ones, as are yours. We see much interchange between the dimensions and realities. We see great fluidity of upcoming change. As a pregnant mother cannot hold back the final push, so too your planetary Mother Gaia cannot hold back any longer. This is the pregnant pause before the final contraction.
We extend our hands, our wings to you. We surround you, with your permission, wing tip to wing tip. We ignite your chakras with newness of change, removing any stored pain of rape or incest or babies lost or labors gone wrong. We fill these memories with light now.
We extend this light to the base of your core now to where the sexual energies mix and spin. [...] We see paradise birthing as a beautiful garden in the hearts and wombs and hidden places of the Nova Gaians. We see peace. We send deep peace to your sexual organs imbuing them with healing, balance and safety.
We offer you our support of balance of the sexual energies of rebirth. We fill your wombs, your minds, your hearts with light of the angelic octave. Our eyes are brimming with tears. We have awaited for so long, this moment of planetary rebirth.
We are the Angels of the Womb of Gaia. You are such an important part of this cosmic dance of regeneration and rebirth. Thank you. Thank you. We see you, we honor you. Watch with us as we see the planetary birth of Nova Gaia in form. Peace. You are loved beyond measure.

Books Books Collection #crackpot #conspiracy anomalousplanet.wordpress.com

Saturn Matrix Cube | 🪐 The Black Cube of Saturn

Its theorized that the rings of Saturn are one huge transmission antenna. But I’m one to throw all that outer space innuendo straight into the trash with all the recent revelations made by Godgevlamste and must assume that the body we know as the planet “Saturn” is actually another enormous Crater on our mega earth and seems to be responsible for the transmission of some kind of “mega signal” that has an enormous influence upon our holographic reality. I know that was a very broad and non specific explanation on my part, but I have yet to fully integrate the “Crater Earth” model into all other phenomenons that I am familiar with. The Saturn Cube is one of them.

Saturn is the ‘Matrix’???
In case you haven’t noticed, symbols of Saturn are everywhere. What is this obsession with Saturn? Could Saturn be the ‘program’ which controls space and time on planet earth?

Scientists can’t explain the perfectly formed hexagon storm on the north pole of Saturn (below, left), or the permanent “eye” on the south pole. Saturn, which is the furthest planet which can be seen from the naked eye, holds a profound influence in today’s culture, yet we fail to notice the obvious. Ancient cultures revered Saturn as the greatest god, and many ascribe Saturn as being earth’s first ‘sun.’ Saturn is far and away the most important planet in earth’s history. Saturn and Satan go hand-in-hand, but you won’t ever learn about that in textbooks.

The masses are clueless, but those pulling the strings behind the scenes are keenly aware of Saturn’s influence, and are using it to their advantage, and our detriment. If you’re ready to have your mind blown, or are simply in the mood for some highly-interesting shit, you gotta check this out


Starseeds United #crackpot #ufo #mammon starseedsunited.com


Starseeds experience a total amnesia as to their true identities, however, each is encoded with an activation switch. Each “awakening” is unique and can range from measured and calm to abrupt and intense. This is a big reason why many are seeing 11:11, 222, 333, 444 etc.

1. SEEING REPEATING NUMBERS! This is the most common right now.
2. They experience an innate loneliness and a longing to return home.
3. While they are quick to discern human agendas, they find human behavior to be bewildering and irrational and are reluctant to involve themselves with society.
4. One of the most telling Starseed characteristics is their feeling of genuine excitement upon learning that they might not be human after all.
5. You always have a feeling of homesickness. You know what home feels like, even if you can’t express it, and you know that your house is not it. This may even lead to depression in some cases.
6. Even as a child, you have always felt different, as though you are unique and others cannot understand you.
7. You often feel morally superior to others, regardless of education or social stature.
8. Your empathy is overwhelming.
9.You have had a paranormal or psychic experience. You may have seen a ghost, heard other’s thoughts, had dreams that became reality or experience ongoing psychic attacks.
10. You feel as though you have a purpose or mission to fulfill, but struggle to find what you want to do with your life.
11. You lack the passion or intrigue to truly devote yourself to one area and understand the banality of life.
12. You can see aura's
13. Animals trust you and are naturally drawn to you. You understand them to the point that it feels as though you can communicate. The same is true for babies and small children. They find you fascinating and seem mesmerized in your presence.
14. From a young age, you questioned the ways of society and still feel perplexed as to how other’s don’t see its mistakes.
15. Many starseeds do not like humans and surround themselves with animals.
16. A majority of starseeds even as young adults are night owls and enjoy staying up later than the average person. There is a peaceful feeling of solitude and clarity that starseeds feel at night. Those who do sleep earlier may find themselves suddenly awakening for no reason often around 3am. Many starseeds have unsual sleep patterns or find that they can get by on less sleep than the average person, but still there are periods where they may feel extreme fatigue and need more sleep than usual.

What I do is use advanced astrology to create a birth chart for you. The information that I use has only been given to a handful of people. I didnt choose this, it chose me. There are certain mathematical indications that we have been made aware of which point to certain races. The benefits of knowing your origin are that, for some, this will trigger an awakening or memories within you and your subconscious. It will also enable you to call upon your soul family for help and to connect with others like you! :)

Starseeds United #crackpot #ufo #magick starseedsunited.com

Many people that have done DMT & Ayahuasca have reported seeing the "AI" as an octopus like being controlling this planet. This octopus like being is giving birth to entities known as the Archons. I believe this being to the one referred to as "Satan" or "The Devil". Researchers of the Archons have stated that the Archons are the Reptilians and the Greys, this is incorrect. The Reptilians and the Grey clones have become fully possessed and no longer have any freewill and are completely living out an archontic agenda and placing us all in an energetic prison to become food for their Archon overlords. The Archons began to hang out around those beings which were also programmed to survive and thus they found the ancient races of the Reptilians, because of their genetics the Reptilians came very easily under the archontic influence. After time they possessed the Reptilian races and thus they fell in consciousness. The Reptilian races have been under the influence and possession of these Archontic entities for thousands of years. It seems that the falling of many races within our galaxy have all been caused to one degree or another by this archontic infection. An archontic infection begins by the parasite lowering your vibration to lock you in an astral plane; there you are much more easily influenced and controlled. They can achieve this through many methods, drugs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals can be used by the Archons to infiltrate the freewill of people. In this state the possessing entity can then drain the energy directly from the solar plexus. Anyone trying to rid themselves of an archontic infection will be brought very quickly to paranoia and anger towards other people. It is reported that Meth addicts and heroin users often see these archontic parasites as demons around them.

Terrisa Bukovinac, Lauren Handy #sexist #wingnut #psycho npr.org

An anti-abortion group that is facing previous federal charges said it took 115 fetuses from a medical waste company and buried 110 of them at an undisclosed location.

Washington, D.C., police, which originally said it found five fetuses in one of the group members' apartments, is continuing to investigate the case.

At a news conference Tuesday, two members of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy, said they got the fetal remains from a medical waste company employee who gave them the box from his truck.

The two women saw the medical waste truck, from Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services, outside Washington Surgi-Clinic, which performs medical procedures such as abortions. The women said they then took the box to Handy's apartment. In total, they claim there were 115 fetuses in the boxes.

Bukovinac said in the news conference that she asked the driver of the truck if he would get in trouble if they took one of the boxes. She says he was shaken when they told him what the contents of the box were. The two women apparently told the driver they would bury the fetuses.
5 fetuses were found inside an anti-abortion activist's home in D.C.

"The driver thought for a second and he said, 'OK,' " Bukovinac said.

Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services told WUSA9 that it does not transport fetal remains and denied that any package was handed over to the anti-abortion group. The Baltimore-based company did not respond to NPR's request for comment.

Vladimir Putin, re: J.K. Rowling #wingnut #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has finally found a high-profile defender for her blatant transphobia and ugly attacks on trans civil rights.

It’s Russian President Vladimir Putin, currently the most despised man in the world.

The dictator bemoaned western “cancel culture” during his speech, complaining that Russian contributions to World War II were “canceled” from American textbooks and that the Japanese textbooks don’t give Russia enough credit for being part of the allied powers. Germany had a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union until Adolf Hitler invaded in 1941, killing millions of Soviet soldiers. But Putin’s modern-day example of cancel culture doesn’t normally rank with Hitler. While Rowling has destroyed her reputation as the author of a beloved children’s series about tolerance and acceptance, she hasn’t committed genocide.

“They canceled JK Rowling, the children’s author recently,” Putin whined. “Her books are published all over the world. Just because she didn’t satisfy the demands of gender rights.”

“They are now trying to cancel our country. I’m talking about the progressive discrimination of everything to do with Russia.”

Alex M. Vikoulov #crackpot #god-complex ecstadelic.net

The CTM model, a proposed version of the theory of everything, I'm currently working on, is an integral multi-disciplinary ontological model that allows to draw a wide variety of predictions and deductions from the intersections of two or more foundational axioms therein.
Fractality: As above, so below. Nature is now known for layering – repeating patterns of complexity like the filaments of dark matter that connect galactic superclusters together and the synapses that connect billions of neurons in the brain – there is a fractal reiteration across the magnitude of scales akin to the Mandelbrot set based on a simple underlying formula. Self-similar fractal systems are ubiquitous in Nature. Our world is geometrically fractal throughout as if rendered by computation.
Phenomenality of Emergent Mind: Intersubjective reality is an agreed upon mass illusion. Objective reality, on the other hand, is supersubjectivity, the infinite cosmic mind, quantum field from which the phenomenal mind springs into existence at increments of conscious instants (cf. the Conscious Instant Hypothesis; Digital Presentism). What we call the "Multiverse" is some kind of "matryoshka" of entangled conscious minds. Physical reality isn't really physical except that we perceive it in that way (from within a rule-based [self-]simulation). This idealist perspective might be striking for some but this is the direction of intellectual progress we're seemingly headed.

The Universal Mind: If we were to demystify a curious and ubiquitous phenomenon of emergence to the best of our current understanding, then we would clearly see that both Nature and Mind interact as many experiencers to become one again, at a higher meta-system level. What some people call “God,” or the mind at large in which we all are embedded, becomes intelligible through the natural phenomenon of emergence: Universal consciousness is said to emerge somewhere ahead of us in hierarchical space-time, however, it transcends our conventional dimensionality and is already here within each of us. This also implies that all information is integrated at one level; all our individuated experiences are simultaneously observed from a higher level and integrated in a single experiential self – the Universal Mind. There’s really One Mind, the one we all share.*

Shobha Mote, Sanjay Mote #fundie #sexist #psycho cnn.com

[Paragraph breaks have been slightly altered from the original for readability. Also see my comment for additional notes –shy]

A teenager has been arrested in western India for beheading his 19-year-old sister while his mother allegedly held the young woman's legs, according to police. The victim, who got married against her parents' wishes, was two months pregnant, police told CNN Tuesday, citing her husband. The incident happened on Sunday in Vaijapur, Maharashtra, and neither the victim nor accused have been publicly named by police.

"The girl (19) went against her parents' wishes and got married five months ago. They had a court marriage and since then she had not been in contact with her family and was living with her husband," Kailash Prajapati, a senior police official in Vaijapur, Maharashtra, told CNN. […] "[T]he brother took a scythe and struck her four times and beheaded her. They then picked up the head and kept it outside the house in the yard and left the body inside," Prajapati said. "The mother was holding her legs during the incident and was equally complicit," he added.


Police are waiting for a postmortem to confirm if the victim was pregnant.

The facts in the allegation fit the pattern of an honor killing. So-called honor killing is most often the murder of a woman or girl by male family members who justify their actions by claiming that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family.

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #crackpot goldenageofgaia.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are gathering enough data to support all humans on all timelines, in all realities and universes. We have broadened the scope of the help that we are offering at this time to include those humans who do not exist in your reality, on your timeline, or in your universe right now.

We want you to understand how significant that is, because as all versions of you are assisted, you benefit. You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend.

Therefore, you can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders.


Now, as we have been focusing on these other versions of you, we have come to appreciate this human collective consciousness that we are addressing right now through the channel here.

We are very impressed with your growth and evolution; we know that our energy transmissions have helped, but there are also many other wonderful teachers out there who are assisting you in raising your vibration and becoming more of who you really are.

You already are your fifth-dimensional selves, and in every moment of every day you are recognizing that truth and letting go of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourselves as your true selves.


You are always being of service, no matter how it might look, and just by receiving this transmission right now, you are helping yourselves, all of your fellow humans, and all of the other yous throughout the multiverse. This is a wonderful time to be alive and in a human body on Earth, because of all this help and all of the transformation that will follow.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Fulcrum News #ufo #conspiracy #quack fulcrumnews.com

The Pentagon UFO report isn’t, in our view, a psyop. It’s just a way of telling the public sort of what’s going on.

What are we talking about?

It’s not about the UFOs, per se.

It’s about the coronavirus so many of us caught, and the fact it may be a two-stage designer virus with a second stage that is fatal — an incurable prion disorder in the brain.

Sorry you had to hear it from us here at FULCRUM.

I’m so sorry for humanity. And have to say, if the Pentagon phoning Greys on Zeta Reticuli is literally their best shot for getting us out of what’s ahead — well, that’s one Hail Mary.

Our full explanation, it’s a mind bender:


I hope it’s true, about the Greys being real and wanting to help us. Because the more you read about incurable prion disease, hey, scary stuff. Always knew intuitively without any proof until now that COVID19 was so much worse than the authorities were telling us. Something did not add up. Now, it may.

Jason Riddle #wingnut #dunning-kruger businessinsider.com

A man who was charged after bragging that he had guzzled wine during the Capitol riot is now running for office — but appears to have accidentally joined the wrong race.

Jason Riddle of New Hampshire was arrested in February after he told NBC10 Boston that he joined rioters on January 6 as they stormed the Capitol.

He is accused of illegally entering a restricted building, theft of government property, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, according to a criminal complaint.

He has now decided to enter politics and run for state representative, he said Sunday, with the intention of unseating the Democrat Ann Kuster in the 2022 midterms, the channel reported.

Kuster, however, is not a state representative but rather a member of the US Congress.

"I thought Ann was a state representative?" he said, when the reporter Katherine Underwood corrected him.

"No," Underwood said. "So, a state representative is in the State House in Concord."

"Yeah, that's what Ann is," Riddle said.

When Underwood informed him that Kuster actually worked out of Washington, DC, Riddle said: "Well, I guess I've got to run against that then."

Marjorie Taylor Greene #transphobia #wingnut lite.cnn.com

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is facing sharp criticism after she posted an anti-transgender sign outside of her office, directly across the hall from another lawmaker who has a transgender child.


Illinois Rep. Marie Newman, whose daughter is transgender, posted a video on Twitter of her hanging the pink and blue transgender pride flag outside her office Wednesday afternoon, captioning that Greene tried to block the act "because she believes prohibiting discrimination against trans Americans is 'disgusting, immoral, and evil,'" adding, "thought we'd put up our Transgender flag so she can look at it every time she opens her door" with winking and transgender flag emojis.

That evening, Greene retweeted Newman's post and added a video of her hanging a sign that reads "There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE ...Trust The Science!"

"Our neighbor, @RepMarieNewman, wants to pass the so-called 'Equality' Act to destroy women's rights and religious freedoms. Thought we'd put up ours so she can look at it every time she opens her door," Greene captioned the tweet with winking and American flag emojis.

Mike Lindell (the MyPillow guy) #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt thebulwark.com

[Link is to a secondary source in case the original video gets pulled down for obvious reasons. —shy]

Lindell: It was the security advisor, Robert O’Brien. He brings me upstairs. And the president said, bring him up to lawyers, show ’em this and come back down. They bring me back downstairs and I wait about 10 minutes. I had the stuff in my hand which I was now bringing it up to the lawyers. I sat down with the two, the one lawyer is all upset with me. I show them all this You can see who did it, on the computer, how many votes were flipped. This is an attack on our country by China and other countries that did this to us. So I left there with a deflating feeling. Mike Lindell wants the truth to be told to everyone in this country and everyone in the world to show that this was the biggest election fraud in the history of the world as far as I’m concerned. We got videotape of them shredding all the ballots made in China and an invoice from China. God’s got His hands in all and all this stuff will be revealed. And the longer it goes on you are finding more of the rats that pop up, the evil…

Interviewer: What about the Insurrection Act or Martial Law?

Lindell: Four pages that I brought to the president which was that evidence for the big machine switch. Here’s all his options he could do. Basically it laid out all the options. One of the things the president really liked on there was Google, Facebook, Twitter he has the authority to order them to put everybody’s back intact their Facebook and their Twitters back. He turned to that Robert O’Brien and said “Yeah we could do this.”

Interviewer: What is your sense of the presence of the military here? Is it over the top?

Lindell: I don’t understand it. You know there’s like three people and every other person’s a military guy. We’ve all had our prayers going, “Gee maybe somethings gonna be done that this president is willing to say hey we’ve been attacked by another country cause we have. Our country’s been under attack for a long time.”

Interviewer: I think people are hoping that this military presence is a response to what you just said.

Lindell: That’s where my hope lies. One more thing: You can’t hide this. I don’t care how much they corrupt the media and take away our platforms, there’s 100 million people that know our nation’s been stolen.

Government of Seoul #sexist abcnews.go.com

SEOUL, South Korea -- The government of South Korea's capital is facing criticism for an online manual for pregnant women that contained sexist tips and gender stereotypes.

The now-deleted guidelines, which were published on the website of Seoul’s “Pregnancy and Childbirth Information Center,” suggested that pregnant women should prepare food, clothes and daily necessities for their husbands and family before going to the hospital to give birth. They offered tips on weight management that involved hanging up smaller size clothing for motivation and warned women against excessive spending on children’s clothing.

South Korea has one of the lowest birthrates in the world, according to the United Nations Population Fund, and is trying to encourage more births. But critics say those efforts have been hampered by a government that often reflects a deeply patriarchal society and widespread sexist views.

“It’s like Seoul City is declaring that a wife should take care of all the housework,” Kim Hyomin, a student at Duksung Women’s University, said in a phone interview.

Literal Shit-Flinging Award

Pro-Trump domestic terrorists #wingnut nydailynews.com

Some of the unhinged pro-Trump rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday defecated inside the historic building and “tracked” their feces in several hallways, the Daily News has learned.

A source close to Sen. Chuck Schumer said staffers to the New York Democrat found out about the fecal fiasco on Thursday.

The vile attackers, whose violent invasion of the Capitol left four people dead, apparently went No. 2 in a bathroom and then smeared their extremist excrement around the building, leaving behind brownish “foot-prints,” the source said.

“It looked like they tracked it around,” said the person.

Lin Wood #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

[Here is the URL to the part of this lunacy not provided in the original thread link. —shy]

I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape.

I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.

This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies.

One of those groups was hacked by a group known as Lizard Squad. The blackmail files of rape & murder were obtained by this group & copy was provided to Isaac Kappy.

The blackmail targets are approached with a gun, a child, & a camera. The target is ordered to rape the child on video. The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video. The target is then owned & controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail evidence loses its value.

Ethan Mast, Kourtney Aumen #fundie kmbc.com

The parents of a 4-year-old Benton County, Missouri, girl allegedly killed by neighbors to remove a “demon” now face charges.

Mary S. Mast, 29, and James A. Mast, 28, both of Lincoln, Missouri, were charged Thursday with felony child endangerment resulting in death and are jailed without bond, according to Benton County Sheriff Eric Knox said.


The Benton County Sheriff’s Office said the 4-year-old girl was found dead at the family home on Dec. 20. Knox said she had been severely beaten and dunked in an icy pond as part of what appeared to be a “religious-type episode.”

Ethan Mast, 35, and Kourtney Aumen, 21, are charged with second-degree murder and other offenses. Both are jailed without bond and don’t yet have attorneys, according to court records.


Deputies were called around 1 a.m. Dec. 20 to a rural home near the town of Cole Camp, Missouri, and found the 4-year-old wrapped in a blanket on a bedroom floor. A probable cause statement from Sgt. Chris Wilson said the girl was already dead and had “severe purple bruising” over her body, along with ruptured blisters.

Knox said the girl's parents also had been beaten along with a 2-year-old child. An infant son of the couple was apparently unharmed. Both were placed in protective custody, Knox said.


James Mast told investigators that the beatings had occurred over several days and that he and his wife observed them but were told they would be beaten or shot if they tried to intervene.

Still, Wilson asked James Mast "how he could let people do this to his family and he stated they were told (his wife) had a ‘demon’ inside her and her children would end up just like her if it was not taken care of,” Wilson wrote in the probable cause statement.

Ethan Mast told investigators that on Dec. 19, he and Aumen used a leather belt to beat the girl, the statement said. She was then taken to a pond behind the home where she was “dunked" in the water on a day when high temperatures were in the 40s. […] Knox said evidence indicated she was beaten to death.