It's a shame that homosexuality is no longer listen as a mental disorder,it's a shame and it disgusts me.
Homosexuals ruin America's image to the world.
Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in 1973 but because of Liberals we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children.
"we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children."
Pedophilia is illegal. Homosexuality is completely different and unrelated.
"...we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children."
No. That would be the pedophiles. And most of them aren't walking the streets to find victims. They do that at home ... and church.
Three times in your short post you refer to those who hold different views than yours as having a "mental disorder." I'm not going to break Godwin's Law but... certain 20th century dictators (hint, hint) referred to their political adversaries as "mentally defective" which ultimately led to large numbers of them being involuntarily committed and receiving gruesome "psychiatric treatment." Why do you use the same terminology that they used? Are you some sort of Brownshirt?
I've had the great displeasure of meeting several child molesters in my life due to my occupation, none of which where gay.
I've also known several gay people who were fine human beings who would never harm children.
Also, not long ago epilepsy and being left handed were considered mental illness too, or worse, signs of demonic possession. Yeah, fuck progress, let's just hide in our ignorance.
It's a shame that the Inquisition is no longer around as a counter to heresy such a Fundamentalism which is a shame and disgusts me.
Fundamentalists ruin America's image to the world.
Fundamentalism is a mental disorder, but because of crooked politicians buying votes we have these heretic scumbags walking the streets inciting hate and perverting people's and children's minds.
can't these morons change their tune??
As a gay man I find straight people face-eating etc rather distasteful, but that's because I prefer to see two nice young guys holding hands and snogging. I wouldn't want to ruin people's lives just because of my preferences.
Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in 1973 but because of Liberals [...]
Ah, yes, the old "it's just because of PC it's not listed as a mental disorder anymore" deal.
Here's the thing, though: why is it a mental disorder in the first place? Does it fit the definition? Is there solid scientific backing behind naming it an illness, the way there is for, say, bipolar disorder, anorexia or severe anxiety?
That's what you need to ask yourself. Why it's no longer a disorder is unimportant. Why it originally was a disorder isn't.
As a side note, the strategy of fighting opponents by branding them mentally ill was a favorite of old Stalin. You know, the guy who killed so many millions of people "because he was an atheist"?
scumbags walking the streets molesting children.
Pedophilia, which is NOT the same thing as homosexuality, is still very much listed as a mental disorder, and that isn't ever going to change.
It's a shame that homosexuality is no longer listen as a mental disorder,it's a shame and it disgusts me.
I'm disgusted too, but for a different reason
Homosexuals ruin America's image to the world.
No, chicken hawks and homophobes ruin America's image.
Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in 1973
Yes, and as knowledge of mental disorders advanced, it was removed.
but because of Liberals we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children.
I see my shipment of fail has arrived
this fuckwit is wrong on prety much all accounts, but i have to slightly agree with him on one point, being homosexual must be caused by some sort of genetic malfunction that led to an error somewhere in the brain (i see it as a fault because it's contra-reproduction)
don't read me wrong here, every gay person i've met was at teh very least nice, and where generally cool people to hang out with (though one was a bit flamboyant... i don't like peole like that, be it gay men or straight women), so i haven't got any problem with the person, i just see it as a genetic condition that in the futur could be fixed with sufficient knowledge of genetics and neurology.
Your opinion doesn't count if you have the intelligence of a four year old.
Unless you're a four year old.
As opposed to a cunt. Shadoboy, I'm looking at oyu.
/It's a shame that homosexuality is no longer listen as a mental disorder,it's a shame/
Really? It's a shame that homosexuality is not being demonized anymore? Please.
/and it disgusts me./
It disgusts me that you think homosexuality is a mental disorder.
/Homosexuals ruin America's image to the world./
Really? What did homosexuality have anything to do with the war in Iraq? The alliance with Saudi Arabia? Guantanamo Bay? Abu Ghraib? As far as I know, you guys seem determined to keep homosexuals out of those by insisting that they not serve in the military.
/Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in 1973 but because of Liberals we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children./
Homosexuality =/= pedophilia, moron.
Oh, so now a political ideology is a mental disorder. Get a grip.
Homosexuals ruining America's image: actually, I believe that's religious fundamentalism.
Child molesters: Those are called "pedophiles" and they can be homosexual or heterosexual.
LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER: Do I even have to answer this one?
Homosexuals ruin America's image to the world.
The rest of the world has gay people too.
Homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in 1973
Yes, and then it was removed because it didn't fit the criteria for a mental illness.
we have these sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children.
Gay people don't molest children except in very rare cases. Statistically, your kid is safer with a gay man than a straight one.
Also doesn't fit the criteria of a mental illness. Certain kinds of conservatism do though.
It's a shame that homosexuality is no longer listen as a mental disorder,it's a shame and it disgusts me
Homosexuals - with an infinitely greater education - don't ruin the English language.
But the oh so hetero sexual Roy Less destroys the Right Wing: via his paedophilia.
Just that one example obliterating your Slippery Slope fallacy blows your 'Mind': if one exists in that empty space you call a head.
Don't make me get out my Josh Buggar, OP...!
No no, the sodomite scumbags walking the streets molesting children are conservative priests and pastors, not liberal homosexuals.
There are gay people in every single country in the world. Some countries think they don't have any, and some are trying to kill them all.
So freedom and equality is a mental disorder, while repression, slavery and misogyny are sane and good?
Can we enslave you then, and take away all your freedoms and rights?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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