Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
It’s amazing to be with so many patriots in Youngstown, Ohio!! 🇺🇸

I can’t wait to hear from President Trump!

@RealMarjorieGreene Did he say how great the China shot was? Did he warn Americans not to take MADE IN CHINA TEST KITS? Did he tell you that he should have posted the US CONSTITUTION on the tv set while allowing govs to shut down small biz instead of telling them to GFT?
IT should be illegal and against NS to force a test kit, mask or any damn thing made in china on Americans period. These test kits should have been banned period and I have posted this from the beginning of their test tent roll out. IBMA IT'S HOW THEY INFECTED THE WORLD SO QUICK AND NOW THE EVIDENCE IS GONE. WHY ISN.T THIS BEING PRESENTED AT EVERY TRUMP RALLY? I have suggested this to many platforms since day one.

@RealMarjorieGreene Fuck this anti-White cunt.

@RealMarjorieGreene So I guess everyone is just fine with Trump's bioweapons. We're just going to memory hole that, I guess?

@Liberty1111Q @RealMarjorieGreene shhhhh just believe the false flags and send him money. He's DEFINITELY not a globalist. 🤣

Mass cognitive dissonance stockholm syndrome...
A sea of uninformed deluded morons...
The reality and truth is right in your stupid faces...
This cunt will probably be the VP pick...
All jew turncoats no better or different than the commie scum in office now...
The culling has only just begun...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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