
William Hoadley #wingnut gab.com

Trump is the Ultimate Badass. There is no doubt. He is also a Great Man of History.
You know, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, Peter the Great, Napoleon etc.
It's funny. The modern West's Great Man of History is not a general or a king but a real estate tycoon and reality TV star. That would be our version of GMofHis, won't it?
That doesn't diminish the fact that Trump will go down in history with the greatest of them all.

Lainey #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #racist gab.com

On Martin Luther King Jr

I have known the TRUTH about Martin Luther King Jr. for quite a while now, but I’m really glad to see this FINALLY come to light thanks to Trump declassifying the files.

Turns out, MLK was NOT the Christian saint of a man we have been told he is, and in fact was quite the degenerate, to put it mildly.

Here is a list of the things that MLK was into, in no short order…








Having children out of wedlock.

Having multiple mistresses.

He was also quite the Marxist/Communist.

This guy paraded around pretending to be an upstanding and Godly clergyman, when really he was the TOTAL OPPOSITE.

Yet, we have a National Holiday CELEBRATING this dead beat, and he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize?

We were sold a FALSE narrative about this man, just like we were about many other historical events.

It all makes a LOT more sense when you realize the victors write the history books.


815o #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Actual bio of their account…)
I am a real National Socialist nigga who is a proud supporter of: My Nigga The President Führer Donald Trump, My Nigga The Future President Führer Kanye West 2024, and Führer Adolf Hitler. DEUTSCHES REICH SIEG HEIL! HEIL HITLER! I also proudly support my nigga The Filipino President Führer Roderigo Duterte, my nigga The Syrian President Führer Bashar Al-Assad, my nigga The Korean Führer Kim Jong-un, and my nigga The Russian President Führer Vladimir Putin! I do not block users, I am not a pussy.
Blocked by @LauraLoomer, @a Andrew Torba, @realNICKjFUENTES, zionists,& pussys 4 hurting feelings w/facts😜. Have been kicked, KIKEd, & JEW'd so far THIRTEEN¹³ groups on Gab for exercising Free Speech🤷 by posting the truth backed up with proof,statistics

Human Race Survival Resistance #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie gab.com

Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (January 2025). I tell you a truth, a shepherd unbiblical job position pastor of Satan Lucifer, who does not expose the wolves in sheep’s skin inside the flock and the 33% non-human demon spirit incarnate avatar nephilim population in their Western feminist nations and the church member witch assassins inside their churches, who are feeding their fellow Christian brothers & sisters the leftover human meat & bone ashes of their 12 million kidnapped children, but who only extorts & shears God’s sheep church donators with their post-1873 illegal tithe income tax to steal 50% off the top of it for their own pastors’ illegal monthly salaries & church staff salaries & medical science witchcraft genocide industry employee health insurance benefits by threatening their church donators using God’s name, to promote their Semjaza’s highest church donators medical science witchcraft mass murderer doctors & nurses & blasphemous insurance company employees, is not a true shepherd, but that church leader is a thief and a robber and Satan Lucifer’s Nicolaitan clergy class laity class Satanist pagan religious system’s “ordained & allowed & trained & non-assassination-attempts-receiving” fake unbiblical job position pastor, who has kicked out God’s real Christian “single church to a city” “dozens of true church leadership apostles & elders & elders who teach,” and who is Satan Lucifer’s inverted Satanist “many churches to a city” “single leader to a church” fake harlot Church’s “Corporate Christianity CEO” “political commissar” “information monopoly disinformation officer” servant of the devil, who is deceiving millions of people into hell with their fake Christianity. They are beautiful white shiny clean porcelain religious toilet bowls on the outside, but inside they are full of human feces. Preach this in your next Sunday church service, so that all your church donators will form a mob riot to confiscate all their pastor’s salary & home & church building & car, and all your church member witch assassins will frantically try to assassinate you

Scorezeny #racist #homophobia gab.com

Part 1. Acute education. Not so many years ago, the immediate vicinity was devoid of vibrant undesirables. There may have been a smattering of creepy queers and generic weirdos but by and large, it was mostly cholo gangbangers and “hopefuls”- transplants mostly from the midwest, trying to break into “the industry”. Vivid Entertainment was Plan B for actresses with minimal talent. It came to a screeching halt with the writers’ strike. The rest of the nation called it a recession, or a bubble. The stage had been set, decline was in full swing following that slowdown. Quality of life laws began to be sloughed off, illegals were hired for more chores, the Prop 8 assault on morality began. A slope slippery with diarrhea and K-Y Jelly led to the election of obaphomet. When the bus is going over a cliff, you may as well get a chimp to drive it. An illegal foreigner to boot, married to a hesheboon.

PneumaticTooth #racist #conspiracy gab.com

@HausWagner Most people of this entire physical world won't notice much since their fried brains are fogged, they even not bothered or to care much to notice some strange things which they are happening, especially with the geo-engineering hurricanes like Helene.

Most people are laid back and continues to exacerbates the situations further like allowing the filthy vermin parasitic Jews and their shabbos golem maggots to do more damages and more dirty works.

I don't have much hope for this decaying putrid inclement pauperized corrupted gormless world since people are too ignorant and too "petrified" because of their cowardness without courage, without bravery. They are reluctant to resist and revolt against their tyrant governments. Hopes are withering and fading away on this Earth due to these worthless irritating idiots.

Fuck the Jew World Order!.

These dull-witted average morons won't save this world from permanent destructions. They can't even save themselves from well orchestrated extreme weather manipulations such as vicious tornados that will kill them anyway.

I just can't handle or even confront with these people anymore, let them suffer for their own lack of actions.

I hate and loathe this fucking insane world so much but I want to continue for a little while until I leave this Earthly realm for permanently good. Finding a good solid balanced well discipline good world in my next life.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The US government has time and time again declared White men to be "America's greatest domestic terrorist threat".

Why should young White men even remotely consider risking and sacrificing their own lives for a government that hates them?

( @blucord124 )
@Nature_and_Race Don’t forget, however, we must teach military skills to our children and neighbors. The government will eventually release the non-white military on us.

( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race been retired since 16 and only one of my men still “serves”. My conscience will be clear when that fateful day comes, the day they send the brown hordes dressed in American uniforms to harm my people.

( @damnitjesse )
@Nature_and_Race never poor enough to trade my health for a check. You'd have to be retarded to trust niggers with guns around you or doctors with needles. Go to hell.

( @Eye2Myself )
@Nature_and_Race The worrying part is that this new army they're building won't care about rounding up Whites or shooting us when the time comes.

( @EuropeMan )
@Nature_and_Race They say this for two reasons one they hate White people. Two they know that a United White race is the only thing that can stop them.

( @Nthman )
@Nature_and_Race White people are a resource, and not citizens with rights, to talmud terrorists, end of story.

( @Silentdeadly1 )
@Nature_and_Race - I don't blame White people. Who wants to go fight for the deep state?

( @Resi63 )
@Nature_and_Race Good. Glad to see white people aren't willing to sacrifice their lives for a Democrat Socialist government that loves faggots, hispanics and niggers more than whites.

( @Dude2020 )
@Nature_and_Race Why should they fucking care (I know the real answer). They push diversity everywhere but suddenly its bad when the military is niggers and spics.

( @PaniconPandora )
@Nature_and_Race With low White recruitment, how long till they offer citizenship in exchange for service?

Now a "legally" armed foreign military in it's enemies country ready for a false flag to start a Nakba of White homelands...

But they won't require a false flag. The sheer crimewave as a result of the invaders will force Whites to respond. We know how it works from here...

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jews rape children in those secret tunnels under their synagogues.

( @Miked1985 )
@Nature_and_Race We have crossed the rubicon.
They have hurt so many children and they know it. This is the point of no return. They will kill you for knowing.
It’s very possible a very small group can undermine everything by just having control of media , courts , prosecutors and the narrative.
Bill Barr is a coward.

( @AspenShoveler )
@Nature_and_Race And they ritually murder gentiles and consume their blood. Nothing has changed since the days of Simon of Trent.

( @Forever_Hitler_1488 )
@Nature_and_Race Jews are a cancer

( @Zoraproxi )
@Nature_and_Race Jews rape children period, those fuckers were even dancing while getting cuffed.

( @BloodyProphecy )
@Nature_and_Race anyone wanna lay odds on bodies being hidden in said tunnels? And that being the reason they wanted to cement them up and not allow anyone to talk about it?

( @The-Leper-king )
@Nature_and_Race the kike rape, torture and kill white children

( @JanusIanuarius )
@Nature_and_Race Sacrificing the children of their enemies. They are the Synagogue of Satan. People need to know their Jewish lineages, because most are clueless, and many 'white people' are in fact of ELVEN DESCENT AND PART JEW AKA THE TRIBE OF DAN, THE SCYTHIANS, THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, THE WELSH, ETC, ETC.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Christianity will not turn blacks into Whites.

( @White_Appalachian )
@Nature_and_Race blacks can’t be Christian.
1) A Soul ❌
2) Humanity ❌
3) Mental capacity for repentance ❌
4) Integrity ❌
5) Ability to act Godly, not upon violent or deviant impulses ❌
6) Heterosexuality (All blacks are fags, some just haven’t got caught yet)

They have none of the 12 marks of Israel nor do they even resemble humans. They are NOT people.

( @David_Brownnn )
@Nature_and_Race Blacks should be christians in Africa, not here.

( @TheNationalEagle )
@Nature_and_Race Christianity is only for the White man. Jews and niggers aren’t welcome.

( @thebrokenchaingarden )
@Nature_and_Race one of the biggest lies over told....that niggers are just 'black people'.

As in black versions of us......


( @debbyloo )
I was blocked by a Christian Swede who didn't like that I posted that jews & muslims can blow each other up.
She defended the muslims as God fearing.
I said piss on the muslims.

( @Poohisms )
@Nature_and_Race Is their self esteem that low?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Poohisms -- blacks are just genetically deficient. No ideology, philosophy, religion, or social system will ever cure them. They are forever genetically primitive.

( @beautifulpinkrose )
@Nature_and_Race The satanic left emboldened African decent people to believe they can run amuck. But they get charged, prosecuted and convicted to the fullest extent of the law, in Christ Jesus.

Of course, there is the Lord who is the Judge.

( @krain21 )
@Nature_and_Race Whites need to quickly understand this: no matter what amount of efforts you put in, nobody will achieve the White standards.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
Jew: “Jesus said do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Also jew: *kills Christ*


( @LeFrog2300 )

Jews become the most evangelical Christians in America whenever they find a verse they think they can manipulate for their own gain.

( @Plainsight1 )
@Trouble_Man I'm pretty sure when Jesus said to do unto "others" he meant your racial kinsman. That verse is from the gospel and the gospel is only for the racial family of Jesus.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Trouble_Man. Gotta love the way Jews invoke the words of God's Only Son they had crucified (while continuing to deny it) in an attempt to support their own self-promoting ideology.

( @white_powerade )
@Trouble_Man Makes one think: have jews been so obnoxious, rotten and meddlesome for the past 2000 years because they really WANT us to kill them? 🤔

( @Sonnesta )
@Trouble_Man Is he a Jew asking how Christians can do anything? LOL... it shows his hypocrisy. He'll cry Jesus wasn't the Messiah, but quote him when he thinks he's got something on anyone. Typical Jewish? Say one thing believe another... LOL. MEATHEAD that's what he is...still

( @Undomesticated )
@Trouble_Man for those without a cloak sell it and buy a sword. Jesus was pro 2a

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Feeding an already overpopulated continent.

So that every African can feed their 27 offspring.

So each of those offspring can go on to have 27 offspring of their own.

Russia is doing the Lord's work...😬😬😬

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race In the K spectrum Africans have a much higher birth rate because they have a higher death rate for their niglets. Whites have a low rate because of an initially more hostile environment so we evolved to take more care of our offspring. Feeding more of them in Africa, without having them contribute, is going to change the formula. They have no need to change because others are doing the work and they just continue to procreate.

( @EuropeMan )
@Nature_and_Race White people should not be feeding niggers. That food should be going to other White people.

( @Squire_Skimp )
@Nature_and_Race So that there will continue being an ample supply of niggers emigrating into White nations.

( @Alkanhermit )
@Nature_and_Race Putin is a jew, posing as a White that betrays the people. Doesn't' matter, they work for global jewish order, or nationalist jewish order, they will work toward their tikkum olam jew power for a complete jew control.

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@Nature_and_Race well the niggers arent going to russia

( @Dude2020 )
@Nature_and_Race If there ever was a global scale catastrophe or end in foreign aid would a single nigger survive or would they unironically eat each other to death and destroy the environment to the point it became uninhabitable to even a survivable population of 350+?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
1) The war against White people
2) Child rape and sex slavery
3) Usury / debt slavery
4) Communism
5) Zionism

--> https://x.com/MichaelRapaport/status/1746943939993817476?s=20

spoilerWhat’s your top 5 reasons YOU hate the Jews?

( @White_Appalachian )
@Nature_and_Race similar list. Honorable mention to making our people pretty cowardly as a majority due to fear of being labeled a racist or antisemite. And to creating a culture of “White Guilt” that so many readily accepted.

( @Celtic_Kraken )
@Nature_and_Race 1) Their existence! 2) See number 1.

( @BobHolland )
1) mass immigration and miscegenation for the sake of ethnic cleansing
2) feminism
3) hypersexuality and sexual perversion
4) the unspeakable crimes against children
5) their general lack of virtue or righteousness

( @Wildcard369 )
1. baby dick sucking
2. organ trafficking
3. usury
4. controlling the media to brainwash gentiles
5. endless wars for their profit

( @CC007 )
@Nature_and_Race pedophiles, porn, race mixing. white genocide, and anything the adl sponsors.

( @kameltoe_harass )
@Nature_and_Race government corruption, medical corruption, financial corruption, wars, hate whites, murder white children ,foster and promote degeneracy. profiteering, lazy , dont work, not smart. pretend to be brilliant. NO they are just unethical and scum. its easy when you cheat to look smart, the nigger who steals and succeeds looks lke a genius , that he can take your hard earned shit. is he smart? only if all the criminal niggers have all the money and control and can buy everyone and anything to keep things in control. there is what a jew is.

( @36x )
@Nature_and_Race !. Circumcision 2. Pedo-Torah-ians 3. Still bitter over dismissal of Christ as Messiah 4. Big Fur Hats 5. Tunnels

( @ampy75 )
@Nature_and_Race killing of our Jesus

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
A lot of people have this idea that eugenics is evil, thanks to the brainwashing of the public education system.

But eugenics just means positive reproduction, that's all.

If our ancestors had been practicing eugenics for the last two-thousand years straight, we'd all be celebrating them right now. Average IQ would literally be around 150, sickness and disease would be virtually eliminated, creative capacity would be a thousand times what it is now, the average person would be tall, lean, athletic, and beautiful.

If we all started practicing eugenics right now, future generations wouldn't curse us for it. They'd thank us and be grateful to us for giving them powerful bodies to enjoy life in.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race Based. I got called a nazi when I was in college for being in favor of eugenics. I am a National Socialist, but the hate in which people throw around the term nazi for White people is vile poison.

( @notsolazyatall )
@SoldierForChrist777 @Nature_and_Race "nazi" is a term coined by the evil forces that won the war. It is just a slur. Be proud of being a national socialist!

( @GillRigged )
@Nature_and_Race I think Hitler's approach would be more humane by taking away the ability of reproduction for certain peoples.

( @BlastFurnaceMetalworker )
@Nature_and_Race I was taught that eugenics is "evil". The strongest, healthiest, most intelligent and most beautiful creatures reproducing normally is not evil. Natural selection already favors the strongest, healthiest creatures. Not just to reproduce, but for males to lead, provide and protect. And for females to give care and nurture.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Nature_and_Race. I trust nature more than people's decisions on physical or intellectual traits. Many a genius has come from average backgrounds (like Leonardo DaVinci, etc.). The most evil part of Judaism today is its constant attempts to replace God with themselves. That is why they are trying to force mass migration of only non-Whites into White majority lands - Jews are attempting to replace or breed out Whites, thinking they (Jews) will have no competition for economic or intellectual dominance. I think the White race just needs to get back to its roots in the culture, intellect, and physique God (or nature, if you're a nonbeliever) gave it.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Europeans wouldn't be burning qorans if muslims stayed the hell out of European countries, and stopped grooming and raping little European girls.

( @_no_one_special )
@Nature_and_Race let's do the #talmud next

( @EuropeMan )
@Nature_and_Race invaders need to leave or die

( @commonmansnation )
@Nature_and_Race these muslim invaders were brought to these european countries and to america, given free housing, cars, insurance, money to start business all for their votes and to destroy the white way of life and traditions. Instead of burning the quran, whites should be going after the politicians, secret organizations, corporations, police that have facilitated this invasion. So I guess burning the quran is a start.

( @gthousandaire )
@Nature_and_Race I think they'd be far better off just setting fire to an immigration center.

( @ConwayO )
@Nature_and_Race If they're so offended why not move to a muslim country, but we know why they wont. Jews thrive off multiculturalism & muslims receive welfare from cucked western politicians for votes, same thing here in the US with our open border policy.

( @Alien79 )
@Nature_and_Race Why aren't they burning muzzies and kikes instead?

( @jnap1091 )
@Nature_and_Race BURN THEM ALL!

( @WhiteyRighty )
@Nature_and_Race Awesome! White Teamwork! 14 WORDS & Heil Hitler!

( @SinkTheShip )
@Nature_and_Race How has it come to this. All jews must die!!!! She Whispers.

( @DrExCathedra )
@Nature_and_Race The ones who allowed them in, they're what needs to be burned.

( @Natsoccer )
@Nature_and_Race should be torching Muslims not their book

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There's already a race war. And every race is united against White people.

@Nature_and_Race Trying to start a race war, aren't ya?

( @Rodger_james )
@Nature_and_Race Isn't it stunning that there are still dipshit Whites that can’t recognize what is going on around them?

( @Self_Reflection )
@Rodger_james @Nature_and_Race The greatest weakness of whites has been their general empathy, in particular their desire to humanize other races and see them as exactly the same as them.

They always learn the hard way

‘But with social media, this doesn’t have to be the case.

( @beautifulpinkrose )
@Nature_and_Race Sadly, there has been a covert race war. We just didn't know about it. It was a covert war on Northern Europeans by way of Northern European women. Look at the crime stats.

In 2020, the left declared overt war on Northern Europeans and Europeans.

People from heritage of witchcraft and violence were incited to make war on people from heritage of Christianity.

These evil people arose against people of the MAYFLOWER COMPACT, people whose heritage is Christianity, Europeans.

The Lord is covenant authorized and obligated to handle these people.


Esther and Jehosaphat's experience are templates how for us to be saved.

By the Grace of God, the Lord deports all these evil people who are RACIST to Northern Europeans and Europeans from America and Europe back to their homelands, in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ.

( @StephanGuy )
@Nature_and_Race The only race you can openly hate? White

The only race that its own race openly hates? White

The only race told it has privilege while being a host organism for all other races to pick off of? White

I can go on. You are right.

( @ConMeNot2 )
@Nature_and_Race Out of 7 billion people on earth... only one billion are white. We are a minority that is being genocided.

( @GermanicMechanic )
@Nature_and_Race stack that ammo. White power!

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race It's time to fight back, we don't have much time. More and more Whites are waking up and realizing there's a war on them. Anti-whitism will collapse on its own weight, cause forcing Whites into a death struggle will backfire.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Happy New Year, White people.

( @Memphis1984 )
@Nature_and_Race And only White people !

The rest of you mystery meats can fuck off !!!

( @BatKun )
@Nature_and_Race Zero fucks about the blacks in the new 2024! 🍺🥃

( @SnowMann1 )
@Nature_and_Race 2024 will be interesting. 🇮🇱

( @WhiteyRighty )
@Nature_and_Race TRUTH! White Power NOW! 14 Words and Heil Hitler! WPWW

( @tfc )
@Nature_and_Race here is to hoping that one day we'll be allowed to raise our children in a safe white homogeneous environment.

( @WeldorChick )
@Nature_and_Race Happy New Year to you also💥

( @MADDH8R )
@Nature_and_Race Happy New Year fellow White Brother!!!

( @NightHawk555 )
@Nature_and_Race Happy New Year Whitey

( @DarkOGB )
@Nature_and_Race White power!!🤚

( @JamesStorey )
@Nature_and_Race happy new year back at you white brother

( @Thesmokinglaptop )
@Nature_and_Race happy new year rc.
Hail victory o/

various commenters #wingnut #quack gab.com

( @Footdoc )
The flu "vaccine" has been around for almost 80 years, and it's still supposed to be taken every year.

The flu still exists, and people are still dying from it. See how this works?

( @RBfromTX )
@Footdoc yep. And no more vaccines for me. Ever.

( @The_Truth_707 )
@Footdoc Taking a "free" vax ensures that you will get sick and then spend money on cold and flu medicines at the same pharmacy that gave you the shot, all while spreading it to everyone around you.

( @rua_patriot1st )
@Footdoc > TAKE NO SHOTs, including VACCINES/Boosters, etc...........unless YOU "Trust" YOUR Gov't., Big-Pharma & The Media (Jew$) ............I sure hope that Leftie$ Do ??

( @LeFrog2300 )

Adjusted per capita, the flu rates have increased every year since the vaccine became standard.

( @Luke67 )
@Footdoc Yes. I also see that you are a dumb cunt. Every year medical organisations take samples of that years flu variation (it changes every year) from that they formulate a jab which will offer a high degree of protection to that years dominant strain. No medical professional says it will offer 100% protection against flu as that is unrealistic but it does offer a high degree of protection against both infection and the severity of illness should you still become infected. Happy to clear that up for you.

( @Masktards )
@Footdoc because… are you ready? … viruses don’t exist.

( @ChuckLafond244 )
@Footdoc. I have never taken a flu shot. When the shot was first introduced, I seem to remember a news report stating that six people had died after getting a flu shot. A few years later, oh, this year's shot was produced for the wrong strain of 'this year's flu'.
Relying on the God designed immune system that came with my body, I will forgo any future shots as well.

( @Cptnshloshlposh )
@Footdoc It kills me talking to people who think flu vaccines aren't a scam. It takes the tiniest bit of critical thinking to see that taking them makes no logical sense. And still they line up like lemmings to take them.

( @AussieTrumpFan )
@Footdoc I used to be one of those people that would get the flu shot and every year I’d be sick with the flu. Stopped getting the shot about 6 years ago and haven’t been sick since. They normally roll out the flu shot before flu season starts so I’m thinking that the flu season wouldn’t exist if no one got the shot

various commenters #wingnut #elitist #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Halp )
People on welfare shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

( @CrossThePotomac )
@Halp Also all non-whites and women

( @ZimmerHandcrafted )
@Halp I'd go farther than that: if you are a net tax drain on the country over the course of your lifetime you should not be allowed to vote.

This would not inherently repeal the 19th amendment, but it effectively would...but that is merely a happy coincidence.

( @USMCHOG8393 )
@Halp If you are on any government assistance u should not be allowed to vote.
If u don’t own property u shouldn’t be able to vote on property tax issues. Also if you are a politician today, you should be either shot at dawn, or hanged. Sounds good though

( @DeplorableFredTN )
@Halp Only land owners should be allowed to vote. No skin in the game, no voice in governance

( @JohnnyHooker )
@Halp only white landowners should be allowed to vote.

( @Legend_of_Wiker )
@Halp wrong. Welfare shouldn't exist to begin with

( @Coolio )
@Halp To be allowed to vote you should have to pay taxes or bear arms is what Abe Lincoln wrote. Also apparently wanted to send the "free slaves" back to Africa. Bullet in the head instead before the plan got off the ground.

( @mothersmurfer )
@Halp Nor reproduce.

( @thetruthnotdoctrine )
@Halp If you got rid of Jews and their USURY!!! there wouldn't be anyone on welfare, apart from the genuine deserving sick and disabled!

( @wohl1917 )
@Halp I'll do you a couple better than that: If you are not a veteran OR own property OR have a job OR support a family and pay taxes for it all AND CAN PROVE IT, you shouldn't be allowed to vote!

( @Dannygeetar )
@Halp Neither should non property owners

( @Bilo32 )
@Halp People that don’t own land shouldn’t be able to vote.

( @Old_time_gal )
@Halp Our founding fathers only wanted landowners to vote, since they were the only ones who "had skin in the game".

( @mjdigspigs )
@Halp Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, either.

( @StevenEMichaels )
@Halp Don’t forget women. Also, remove all women from congress and government.

( @Cupcake70 )
@Halp Only property owners should vote

@Nature_and_Race, @Invictus2525 & @WakeUpOrDie #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
These child-raping tunnel-rats have been at this shit for thousands of years, lads.

At some point, we should probably put a permanent stop to these motherfuckers.

( @Invictus2525 )
@Nature_and_Race End them

( @WakeUpOrDie )
These kikes wield the power that they do because of our OWN people that have been bought and paid for...
NOTHING can be done until we target our own sellout turncoats and snuff their treasonous asses out.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jew-lovers like you are the reason why the world has been conquered by jews.

@Nature_and_Race andYOU can't change yourself from a puddle of sputum, you sick, f'ing ,anti-semite, whore.

( @VincezzzZ )
@Nature_and_Race Sick weak pathetic Jew enablers have always been the problem, they are the first to yell out "they aren't all the same" when a heinous crime like child rape or murder and organ harvesting is done by them. I personally believe they are mentally ill to accept that a people who identify as gods chosen , because they wrote that in a book and them perpetrate atrocities in gods name could integrate and be part of a white western society. Those enablers might be sick as the jew itself is sick.

( @HoloKlaus )
@Nature_and_Race These attacks against you are ridiculous. I read your posts for long time and I know you are very loyal to true NS ideology.

There is a trend going on to attack everyone that does good for the white race but these attackers give the real fakers a complete free pass.

I wonder why 🤔

( @UltraFortress )
@Nature_and_Race Imagine calling RC anything but the most devout of NS vanguards. Kinda cringe.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Trying to find a "good jew" would be like trying to find a tick that doesn't suck blood.

jews are bad because of their blood. jews are a race, and as such, their every thought, word, and action is compelled by their racial instincts.

jews cannot change their genetics any more than hyenas or rats can. jews can convert to Christianity all they want, but that will not change their jewish racial instincts.

( @Refuter )
@Nature_and_Race The biggest mistake that past leaders, who expelled all Jews from their lands, allowed was letting those that 'convert' to remain. You know that was some total bullshit and the Jews just kept on jewing under a false Christian banner. Expulsions should have been into the sea, rather than outside of their borders.

( @qMAGAs )
@Nature_and_Race Jews are a fucking cancer

( @Christian_Hart )
@Nature_and_Race VERY VERY TRUE. I wrote a post on this a while ago and explained natural law to people.


The jews goal is to end 'discrimination' which is absolutely VITAL to life. You will die almost instantaneously without it. This is because everything they do, promote and believe is an instrument to murder Whites...(not going to beat around the bush here anymore because the hour is late...almost too late).

( @Noah9310 )
@Nature_and_Race And their jewish racial instincts are contradictory to Christianity, which is why there are never any jews that are actually Christian and following the Commandments.

jews will "convert" to promote within the church, sodomy, pedophilia, usury, ruining White peoples' (true Christians') countries with forced open borders, murder of babies, transsexuals and genital mutilation, feminism, promotion of race-mixing, etc.

( @Gab55 )
@Nature_and_Race this seems to be true of nigger races in general - what is Christianity then though offered to jew and gentile? (which was its purpose..)

there are some pretty famous examples of niggers whether Marx or that preacher (black nigger) that their stripes don't change which Christian or not (your choosing or the subjects of this thread) seems like a hierarchical or categorical issue (finding 'good' nigger) than religious?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Every minute, every hour, every day - corporate and institutional powers openly profess their hatred of White people.

If you listened only to politicians, you wouldn't even know it was happening.

In fact, you'd think it was happening to everyone but White people.

The Anti-White Industrial Complex is the greatest threat we face, and the Anti-White Uniparty is integral to its function.

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@KeepNHGranite its still the jews

( @debbyloo )
@RussianTwitterbot @KeepNHGranite
Piss on non-White's!

( @Avikikerberg )
@RussianTwitterbot @KeepNHGranite The Jews have every angle covered on their war on the white race.

( @AFutureForWhites )
@KeepNHGranite They're taunting White people more and more and there are no politicians willing to condemn any of it. There is virtually no one at all in the public eye who is condemning it. The "unity" and "we are all one race" preaching people aren't condemning it either.
How there is a single White person who cannot see the anti-White agenda is beyond me.

( @JosephJMcGraw )
@KeepNHGranite If you were completely new to this country, and had never been exposed to any media at all, then you were to sit down and watch only commercials on the idiot box today. You would be convinced that blacks and deviants were the only population of this country. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, needs to turn OFF the idiot boxes, permanently, and turn off your zombie brain washing control devices, (dumb-phones and tablets) and attempt to break their mind control programming..NOW!!! When you are curled up in the fetal position sucking your thumb after the SHTF, don't expect us to save your sorry asses!! SAVE YOURSELVES!!!

( @Sorin13 )
@KeepNHGranite And then the kikes are like: "Why all the antisemitism?" 🙄

( @dnile08 )
@KeepNHGranite The anti-White propaganda in the media is directly attributable to the Jews who control the media.

@KeepNHGranite I have learned from Gab that I’m not white being part Spanish and Italian; which I thought I was considered white. Point is my Dad would be considered white so I understand and support the white race and how important it is.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
That doesn't change the fact that muslims are grooming, abducting, raping, beating, and murdering White children.

jews may have brought them to White countries, but muslims themselves are the ones committing all these horrible actions, all on their own.

@Nature_and_Race Muslims are only here in America and Europe because of Jews who are the real problem.

( @dajdklanfjkabvjka )
@Nature_and_Race That is true. But the fact Jews brought them there and keep them there means that if you can defeat Jewish power first, then you can just mass deport the Muslims and not allow them back.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@dajdklanfjkabvjka -- In the meantime we have to defend ourselves, and more importantly, OUR CHILDREN, from these brown fucking savages.

( @RobertGuy )

Muslims and negroes are the jewish Golem to attack the White race by proxy. Jews are cowards, so they manipulate these subhuman beasts into being their shock-troops.

It all ends when we drop the jewish psyop of "radical individualism," and when we begin to have White solidarity. The isolated, atomized individual is already divided and conquered. The group has unstoppable strength and morale of its own.

( @comegetyasome )
@Nature_and_Race must be a sandnigger,has me blocked. I've never met a muslim I could trust.

( @Sn0wGl0be )
@Nature_and_Race The Jews knows Muslims are a shitty bunch. They wouldn't have brought them into European countries if they weren't.

"But those child raping Muslims hate Jews too!"

And? Jews are the enemy of everyone. Many blacks hate them too; that shouldn't stop us from recognizing the cancer blacks are to White people.

( @leafz )
@Nature_and_Race The biggest part of this problem is the traitorous leaders of European, and N. American countries allowing these migrants...even encouraging them, to invade White countries...

Then turning a blind eye to the horrendous things they are doing to their citizens... Often saying these migrants have mental problems, and should be excused for their actions...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
I’m a hard NO on the WHO World Pandemic Treaty for Disease X.

And while we are at it, why don’t we tell all these other freaks to stop spraying stuff in our skies, stop messing with our food, and stop creating monster bio weapon viruses that will murder everyone.

( @JimmyJones79 )
@repmtg and who controls the media to make this all possible?

( @Hope_One )
@repmtg As a Congressman, you have power to do something about the spraying, the chemicals, etc. Most of us do not. Have you forgotten why you were elected? It's not just about telling us things we already know. It's about DOING something about it!

( @GraceNell )
What if we shot down a Chem trail planem

( @dsi_news )
The chem trails via weather manipulation are killing us...
The polar vortex(s) are created by HAARP

( @depLORIble )
@repmtg it's not enough to tell them to stop. They must be ordered to stop, with extreme prejudice.

Same with the invading army. THEY MUST BE STOPPED! Motion to vacate the speaker's chair and replace with MAGA! 🇺🇸

( @GigiWeBZ )
@repmtg I’ve been writing my state rep trying to find out who is responsible for the constant spraying of our skies. How do we stop it?!

( @americanpie77777 )

The freaks spraying chemicals in our sky are your fellow politicians and government 🤔
It's been going on since the 80's. They can't stop spraying now because they created holes in the ozone. If they stop spraying the earth would suffer a 10 year long massive heat anomaly that would destroy everything on the surface of the earth. Go talk to your Senate science and energy buddies funding it . Stop playing with things you don't understand science fools.

( @Tlphillips )
@repmtg Our government wants to destroy our nation. Central bankers are evil and it looks like they are in charge. With the invasion army that all of you allowed in it looks like we haven't seen anything yet. You helped in this destruction. Does this make you proud?

( @Celestialpilot )
@repmtg It's called "Crimes against humanity"...NUREMBERG 2.0 NOW!!!!!

various commenters #wingnut gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The Left is destroying the country, yes. But the Right is letting them do it.

@Nature_and_Race the Left is destroying the nation, the citizens on the Right are not. There is a difference.

( @The_Missus )
@Nature_and_Race Citizens, specifically, on the Right have no representation at this time, or for decades.
But we do exist.

( @Servidominus )
@Nature_and_Race Honestly, I'd even go so far as to say that *some* of the Right (what passes for the Right, at least) is actively complicit in destroying the country, not just idly standing by while it happens.

The number of "conservatives" who are actively and enthusiastically siding with "based" faggots, trannies and non-White immigrants is appalling.

I wouldn't consider those people as part of the Right, but they seem to.

( @WhitePatriot007 )
@Nature_and_Race All I have to say is after Trump stood down the majority to save lefties there had better be executions of traitors if he makes it back into office. Everyone is correct the election in 2024 is going to be a turning point on everything no matter how it goes...

( @Aceratus_ascend )
@Nature_and_Race there is no leftists neither rightists, only cultural Marxism, and how much is applied.

( @NiggerSlayer_1488 )
@Nature_and_Race The jews are preventing the Right from doing anything about it.

( @SparklingBlueWater )
@Nature_and_Race Both sides are controlled by the GL☠️BALISTS.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race Right-wingers are anti-White cowards. They're lukewarm fucks who claim no one should be discriminated against but are too coward to stand for White people.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
“It’s the Chinese! It’s the Muslims! It’s White liberals!” cries the conservative.

But what about the problems these jews and blacks are causing?

“What are you some kind of racist Nazi antisemite??? You can’t blame groups for the actions of individuals!”

The irony is lost on the brain dead conservative

( @fisheroflight )
@Apolitical It’s actually so funny how “conservatives” will support the second amendment because “that’s how the founding fathers intended” but when it comes to the melting pot cesspool of a nation and the anti-white hatred they’re completely silent. The fathers intended a white nation but you’ll never hear the loser influencers or activists say anything like that lol. They cherry pick to push their little bullshit rEpUbLiCaN agenda to satisfy boomers and brainwash young minds, seriously it’s just as retarded as the liberals and their SJW bullshit

( @gingee )
@Apolitical The JEW IS the ENEMY PERIOD. The jew is behind EVERY evil and problem in humanity today, period. If you defend a jew you defend satan himself.

( @EJGeneric )
@Apolitical Maybe we can agree to abolish multiculturalism… no, Jews are not White.

( @Nizenithal )
@Apolitical The truth is its just the JEWS the non white races lack the intellectual capacity to realize they are just tools. Although they still need to go.

( @Nthman )
@Apolitical Everyone paralyzed with fear of being a racist for recognizing reality is a faggot, that forces others to fight their battle.


( @robidieux5 )

There, put that to bed.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
White Privilege™ is when government takes unimaginable sums of money from you, gives it to those they're replacing you with, and blames you for all their problems.

Those in power aren't “managing the budget.”

They're funding the War On White People.

With money they stole from White people.

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@KeepNHGranite Every single person who controls monetary and budgetary systems in the United States is a jew, or some DEI person controlled by a jew. Luckily, White Americans are waking up to this, and it won’t be long before this system upends itself.

( @MemeFarm )
@KeepNHGranite White people are also paying for the schools where they teach White children to hate White people.

( @ChuckMcMakin )
@KeepNHGranite start posting signs, You eliminate white people you eliminate your welfare check.

( @Socio )
@KeepNHGranite And people wonder why the decline in White birth rates, they are too busy working cradle to grave to pay for the parasite class and their exploding birthrates.

One thing is for sure, if we are ever to get this country back on track the Welfare state must end and we must let the chips fall where they may.

You want to end the pigeons crapping all over the park quit feeding the pigeons.

( @Brother_Mike )
By repatriating ALL non-Whites to their historical homelands, we would be in a budget surplus and could repay all of our outstanding debt to the Federal Reserve (not that we should).
We could have universal, government funded healthcare. Our roads would have 50% less traffic. Our schools would have 65% less students. We wouldn't need foreign doctors, because we have enough White ones to take care of White people. We could cut our agricultural production by 75% and stop exporting to 3rd world shitholes. We could reduce defense spending by 50% and still have enough to secure our nation.
What if.

( @Htester1959 )
@KeepNHGranite Once they've replaced us whites who are they gonna rob? Like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Then they'll find out how great diversity is!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @EB_ )
This happened when the country and military were majority White

Imagine a military chock full of hispanics and blacks that has been hopped up on jewish anti White propaganda

( @MeVotingDoesNotMatter )
@EB_ The upside is that a military made up of spicks and niggers has the fighting capacity of a constipated six year old.

( @JohnnyHooker )
@EB_ whites will always be conquered by lesser races because white refuse to organize by race

( @Icecoldking )
@JohnnyHooker @EB_ it's cause non-Whites are literally animals. Most idiots with a canine are pretty much conquered by their canines. If the populace isn't going to conquer their own canines what are they going to do with a bunch of chimps.

( @KingVirzion )
@Icecoldking @JohnnyHooker @EB_ its because non whites are animals that they are winning. Whats good is acting like a human when your enemies want you dead. Maybe we should learn a thing or two from the violent ruthlessness from shitskins but nah white are too cucked trying to be "civil"

( @Forlorn_Hope89 )
@EB_ And Trump at his damned rallies lately mentions "black, hispanic and asian" support, but never Whites. Plus he says he's going to defeat the "communist and 'fascists' " of DC, and remove the "swastikas in DC from the pillars" Whatever that means. The guy is anti-White and is getting White people to support his agenda; voting is a sham now, but the message being supported is what worries me.

I wish White people would wake up, we deserve a future. Screw the traitors.

( @RememberSamDavis )
@EB_ Since the "civil war" the US military has always been the bad guys.

( @DWC1965 )
@EB_ It’s going to be the spics and a few niggers decked out in the military gear and the White men being gang stomped on the ground while the others are raping his wife.

I don’t care about filtering graphic language in these posts anymore. I hope someone sees it and it does just the thing to motivate them.

( @NPC321 )
@EB_ It isn’t much worse. The dog generation was 100% loyal to White genocide and supported nigger gang rape of European women. Same with today. These people can not come back from this. I think it’s actually preferable to be destroyed by an outsider than your own race.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia gab.com

( @JshiestyDeity )

spoilerIts not about
homosexuality or
heterosexuality. Stop
children PERIOD. Let
kids be kids.

( @empresstheodora )
@JshiestyDeity Homosexuality has always been and will always be a sin. Stop promoting evil.

( @Jram )
100% disagree. It’s all about condemning homosexuality. Not only is it a sin & leads to hell for those who reject God’s instruction but medically it’s a life of mental health issues, medical issues, & early death sentence. 35% of homosexuals are addicted. Over 50% abuse drugs. Highest suicide rates. Male homosexual life expectancy <55 years. Hep C, HIV, & lots of other diseases. Domestic violence is rampant. Logically, this is a “lifestyle” no one would want if they were informed. It has nothing to do with being labeled a “homophobe”.

( @r7booster )
A bot-boosted account that is trying to normalize faggot poop sex.

( @Macaroni452 )
@JshiestyDeity ok yeah. But also no. Human beings have a fundamental, God-given design, which includes sexuality to be expressed within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. So yes, “it’s not about homosexuality or homosexuality” it’s about Holy Sexuality. Society, Academia, Pop-Culture will demonstrate and preach a twisted, perverse view of sexuality - and they will not stop…so a vaccum (“just stop promoting sexuality”) isn’t the answer, but to present truth!

( @Cindysfella )
@JshiestyDeity Well, HOW ELSE do you expect there to be MORE homosexuals?, it's like they can MAKE them, just train them to be that way

( @PureBloodsInheritEarth )
@JshiestyDeity And STOP promoting sick, perverted homosexuality, transsexualism, and the rest of the gender confusion mental illnesses to the masses.

( @Brother_Mike )
Not fully correct.
We will NOT tolerate open homosexuality or any other sexual deviations from monogamous heterosexuality.

( @Bundleofstix )
@JshiestyDeity no it is about homos. They want to groom kids to be faggots like them so they can rape them.

Kids normally will turn out normal without faggots grooming them.

Lauren Witzke & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Lauren Witzke )
What DEI really means

spoilerD : DIVERSITY

( @Samuel_Culper )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Talking about White people. White people are still a 60% majority in America. And White people are still the most heavily armed majority. At some point.

White people must organize and refuse to be bullied, governed and ruled by lawless, morally bankrupt politicians, politicized judges, subversive courts, bureaucrats, special interests, and their hostile anti-American forces.


( @Lies_fall_Truth_wins )
@LaurenWitzkeDE That is a means to an end and the end is the inclusion and worship of Satan throughout the world to the exclusion of Jesus Christ.

( @williamjaeger )
@LaurenWitzkeDE No amount of robbing me will ever make dumb, lazy, unemployed people's areas look like mine.

"Equity" is neither possible nor desirable.

The commies are seeking to destroy civilization and hurt white people. Desperate people are easier to control.

( @alexpulse231 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Exactly! Now name the jew! And quit the GOP!

( @echoes )
@LaurenWitzkeDE Orchestrated by jewish NGO's and the jew media.

( @indyz11 )
@LaurenWitzkeDE My definition: Diversity. I have pistole, rifles and shotguns. Equity. I load them will the best ammo. Inclusion. I bring the ALL to the range for 3-gun competition. Any questions?

( @_LuluB_ )
@LaurenWitzkeDEI Literally, all White men have to do is to leave a little gift in White women to reverse this and by and large, they refuse. They hoard their stash like they can take it with them when they die.

They’re on here complaining about White demographic decimation while they have the only sword they’ll ever need to fight it, right there in their pants. It’s so frustrating.

Make the first move, guys! Or just move, period; GO OUT or if you’re married, stay in. Stay in for the full finish.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
People forget that the riots caused by MLK were more destructive and violent than the BLM riots in 2020.

In the future we will look back at the time we celebrated this affirmative action serial adulterer and plagiarist as a sad, disgusting period in history.

But he’s a perfect icon for the diseased America we inhabit today

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@Apolitical Any and all riots incited by niggers (really kikes) will destroy billions of dollars in property, and ruin the livelihood of rational White people who just want to live peacefully. If we don’t fight back against kikes, the kikes will have the niggers eat us alive.

( @terrylrt1 )
@Apolitical It's also my understanding that he attained his "position" through communist/jewish funding.

( @CN32 )
@Apolitical Future historians will look at Europe/America today and wonder why Whites just tolerated being invaded and killed off.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
I think that historians will view the genocide of Whites as the greatest crime in history. I don't think they will blame the victims.

( @ExposeTheEvil )
@Apolitical Don't forget he was funded by the jews to create chaos.

( @WhiteyRighty )
@Apolitical Yep! Very well stated! WPWW

( @GabTaylor )
@Apolitical No White person who is not brain damaged gives a damn about that commie tool. When I was growing up, the sentiment was, "If they killed 4 more niggers, we'd get a whole week off."

( @HopeSkyla )
@Apolitical Well, they had to support MLK so that they could put abortion clinics on every street called MLK

( @bobbacringo )
@Apolitical Conservatives need to give up the idea of the magical negroe who is able to act white and exist in civilized society. Negroes have always been feral beasts. It is their natural state. In Africa they had neither invention or writing. They never evolved beyond hunting game in the tropical forests. They are not man, they are beast. The soon men realize this, the sooner we can be parted with them.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Martin Luther King Jr. is the figurehead of a post-Constitutional United States. An astroturfed George Washington for an Anti-White America.

In reality, he was merely a hand puppet for rich Columbia University Jewish Communists seeking to beset the American nation.

His legacy is evidence of their success, and his exaltation on the American “Right” is proof that 21st Century Conservatism is merely 20th Century Communism repackaged in red, white, and blue.

( @DoctorAnarchist )
@KeepNHGranite Jews are the worst enemy of all mankind.

( @AllanDHAllan )
@KeepNHGranite MLK was a marxist kunt just like the dalai lama and the pope trying to push their one world religion

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite Never forget; blacks are the jews' foot soldiers against Whites. Even 'evil mustached' man last century knew it, too.

( @1GeorgiaPeach )
@KeepNHGranite Because of MLK agenda black folks STILL hollering about how oppressed they are! It's 2024 and they're too ignorant to realize they're oppressing themselves by believing the establishment when theyre told theyre oppressed! 😆

( @Aufwachen1933 )
@KeepNHGranite The "Civil Rights" movement is jewish. they've pushed pro black Civil Rights in Africa as well. Nelson Mandela was another Zionist stooge...

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@KeepNHGranite the only good thing is he was assinated

( @milesperowa )
@KeepNHGranite that was one ugly, retarded, degenerate nigger.

( @TheDanielShays )

He was also a homosexual, a serial adulterer, and plagiarized his thesis at Boston University School of Divinity, where his Doctorate was issued.

And his ordination was predicated upon his doctorate being valid.

Also his name was legally Michael King, which was never legally changed.

There you have it…

Michael King, not a doctor, not a Reverend.

( @Dancobra75 )
@KeepNHGranite Burn in HELL jews ✝️

( @GabTaylor )
@KeepNHGranite Happy Commie Nigger Day

( @SurvivorBro )
@KeepNHGranite Makes you wonder why is was murdered if he was on "their" side. Were they done with him?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Anti-racist right wingers are some of the dumbest, most useless retards in the entire country.

“Hey I don’t like that my country is turning into the third world! Also, all these brown third worlders have nothing to do with it and are Americans just like me!”

You people make me sick

( @kirkcp )
@Apolitical it's cause they're fucking retarded. Imagine thinking a nigger is the same as a European.....

( @Maldrannon )
@kirkcp @Apolitical I think a lot of it is about the social pressure to conform to that flawed consensus.

I think the lion's share of Whites play the "Anti-Racist" game because they're terrified of the judgments of other Race-blind Whites if they don't.

( @EuropeMan )
@Apolitical only White people are Americans

( @Hungarian_Warlord )
@EuropeMan @Apolitical Only white people are humans.

( @Jordan )

Theyre not right wing. They may have been once but have been emotionally manipulated into being leftists with centrist economic views.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
I'm an American citizen in terms of my legal statehood, but I no longer identify with that term in any sense of a personal group identity. I'm White, not American whatever that even means anymore.

( @Maldrannon )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness @Apolitical Congratulations, you've cut out the useless middle man and connected directly to your actual Nation. This is where all White "Americans" need to be.

( @53n1x )
@Apolitical they can’t seem to do anything else besides regurgitate jew programming. They deserve the pillow over their face. That’s waiting for them at their, nigger run, nursing homes.

( @Scuttlest )
@Apolitical I'd argue that anti-racists in general are going to be pretty slow and bad thinkers.

Racism is a natural, instinctual thing. So if a person is taught to repress his reflexive thoughts and impulses, it will inevitably make him slower to think on his feet, make bizarre exceptions, etc..

( @Imanonymous )
@Apolitical Only Whites are real Americans. Many Whites are just afraid to acknowledge this fact.

various commenters #wingnut #quack #psycho gab.com

( @SVC_Nick )
Amen. All of them should have been swinging from trees long ago.

spoilerI want revenge for the people
who killed my brother and sister
with their Covid vax. And, they
also caused a miscarriage in my
daughter-in-law with their poison
vax. I don't care about Israel or
Hamas or Palestine. I want the
people who forced the poison
injection to pay for their mass

@SVC_Nick obviously we must have the Holocaust we never got

( @LiaCaires )
@SVC_Nick My Angelic Mother was murdered by Cape Coral ''hospital' in FL' . My rage is limitless and with nothing left to lose , on any given day , any of those depraved ''doctors, nurses on the list or their Frankenstein CEO Antanucci may find themselves staring into the green eyes of the lady with perfect aim .

( @Antoinette52 )
@SVC_Nick an old friend of mine died from vaccine and my 1st cousin is ate up with breast cancer her oncologist told her that getting both vaccines and 3 boosters gave her cancer! I told her not to get them but she wouldn’t listen!

( @Annie75 )
@SVC_Nick Not only were millions either killed or maimed by the jabs, who really knows how many were murdered in hospitals either by drugs that killed them or by being denied drugs that actually would have worked. There is no forgiveness for this mass murder, no amnesty for murder, only severe punishment.

( @Dzidek1 )
@SVC_Nick Adolf was right.

( @thedailyteaparty )
@SVC_Nick IT IS THE SAME PEOPLE WHO are bombing Gaza.

You should care about Gaza, because any effort to stop (((their))) genocidal tendencies is an effort to stop their genocidal tendencies towards you; self defense.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
All around the world, "jew tunnels" has become a household term.

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@Nature_and_Race Trust me, White people around the world will wake up soon. We are completely done with the kikes’ subversion and destruction.

( @FC88 )
@DavidBlaine401 @Nature_and_Race They already are

( @DavidBlaine401 )
@FC88 @Nature_and_Race Not quite yet, a lot of the White people in my area still have their minds corrupted by (((media))) and have yet to wake up, as do many Whites throughout the world. But there will be an absolute and obvious breaking point.

( @Imnotreallyintousernames )
@Nature_and_Race the other day I was telling the guys at work about the jewish rape tunnels and they got a laugh out of it like I was bullshitting them
One guy came in the next day saying "oh my God, it's real! I even watched a rabbi suck a baby's dick!"

Put a smile on my face.

( @FC88 )
@Nature_and_Race I also threw up a Roman to a random guy in traffic and said “white power” and he copied me. Pretty cool

( @JohnnyHooker )
@Nature_and_Race I prefer to use “Jewish rape tunnels” for greater clarity

( @SmaxOfCharacter )
@Nature_and_Race "Hey, didja see that thing about the jew tunnels in New York?"
"What? No."
"The NYPD were called, and they found stained child mattresses and baby chairs under a synagogue."
"Yeah, one of the guys escaped out the tunnel using a sewer grate. Here, there's even a video."

Then take it from there.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Remember that there are still people sitting in federal prison for walking through the capitol building.

Meanwhile cops around the country were kneeling for BLM as they burned down every city in America.

That’s what serves as justice in this country.

( @KennyLiquorbush )
@Apolitical Anybody who is still pretending that US isn't a jewish puppetshow is willfully ignorant.

( @jimwinter78 )
@Apolitical The (((feds))) raided that amish farm.
Going after the kulaks again .

( @War_Wizard )
@Apolitical There is no justice in the jewdicial system.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Apolitical. That's Judeo-Bolshevik justice. No mercy for dissidents. No punishment for state-sponsored terrorism.


( @Nutta )
@Apolitical And they just ran Laura Loomer out of two presidential campaigns, the blue needs to be purged for disobeying their oath, and now California passed a law allowing non-citizens (illegals) to be LEO's, thereby creating their own militia de-facto! They have loyalty to no one except who writes the payroll check.

( @alexpulse231 )
@Apolitical As long as kikes run our judicial system, there will never be justice for us.


various commenters #wingnut #racist #psycho gab.com

( @BritainFirst )
The Irish are still protesting against the invasion of their homeland by Third World immigrants.
May the Lord bless their endeavours.

( @NordicWolf )
@BritainFirst Protesting AKA begging your oppressors/invaders, has never served any useful purpose other than that of your oppressors/invaders.

@BritainFirst They're not "migrants." They're not "immigrants." That's jew language. They are invaders.

( @miketimothy210 )
@BritainFirst cmon Irish. Show the world diversity is bull shit. Save Ireland and its heritage. You don’t see Irish migrants invading Africa, the Middle East or elsewhere. I’m an American and America is lost now. I have migrants here causing havoc, getting free housing and monthly deposits on debit cards. Very different from my Irish grandfather that came here in 1904. Poor and homeless for a few years but worked his ass off to earn the right to be an American. He embraced America and what it stood for. Never trying to change the Culture. If he was alive today he would be back in Ireland rallying his brothers to fight.

( @Swed )
@BritainFirst When do the Irish start hunting the invaders?

( @Letsgo_Ky )
@BritainFirst if your not white in that country- your an invader

( @Count_Noses )
@BritainFirst Have any rraabi/politicians been burned alive yet? Any 'jewnalists' decapitated? THIS IS (((war))).

( @AZLion )
@BritainFirst They better do something to save whats left of their country before they all die from the death vax!

( @zman173rd )
@BritainFirst Be careful young lady. Your Garda will turn their backs to you while the black monkeys rape you. The blacks aren't the problem, they just do what they can get away with. Your GARDA is the problem. Deal with it.

( @AmerPatCon1st )