SmashleyAshley #conspiracy
Here's the thing about the 5g and why it has some credibility. 5g weakens the immune system and, surprise surprise, Wuhan was the first city in the world to go full 5g.
Not many people are aware of this, Iran too has spent millions going from 3g to full 5g with their Holy City of Qom being pretty much fully 5g capable.
And, last, but not least, Italy had some crazy bidding war a year or two ago about who would build their 5g network.
I'm not saying that 5g created the virus, but I am saying that it weakened the collective population's immune system and allowed for this CV to take off. Once it infected enough people, it mutated to become strong enough to infect pretty much anyone. Also, 5g is supposedly available in Northern California and New York. I've heard Seattle might have 5g too.
Food for thought.