Brent Anderson #fundie

(=Two comments on the same thread by the same guy regarding an Ex-Flat-Earther coming out against the movement=)

Comment One: Just by accepting the Earth as a "globe" and by loving it most people are worshipping baal! There are so many inconsistencies within pseudo science. Neil Tyson says the Earth is shaped like an oblong pear but the several "photos" from NASA show a perfectly globular spheroid shaped earth. So which is it NASA? Then there are other mistakes NASA has made and you can see this for yourself by comparing different pics of the globe from different years. In all pictures the overall shape of the Earth is the same size yet the continents in view are larger and smaller from one pic to the next. Also, NASA says you can plainly see the curvature of earth at a specified height and when amateur photos are taken from balloons thousands of feet above this height with a camera that doesn't use a fisheye lens you can clearly see a flat horizon. The Pythagorean Theorem proves that Earth is either thousands times bigger than what NASA states or its flat. Laser tests also prove this and there is no religious dogma about any of that. There is no such thing as "gravity", it's never been proven to exist. No study has ever shown there to be a "gravity particle". Density and buoyancy explain away what you think gravity is. No need for your magical "gravity". Besides the idea of gravity was only invented to explain away all of heliocentrism. I'm not "emotional" about any of this mind you. It is just fact, nothing more, nothing less.

Comment two: Just another shill. However instead of using ad hominem attacks he's using a different tactic to try and discredit the Earth being flat and stationary. He's technical jargon that most do not understand to try and deceive people into believing the earth isn't flat and stationary. He's talking about how lights and lasers supposedly bend but refuses to bring up the things I stated in my previous comment, which blows the globe model out of the water. It's already been debunked. We do not live on a globe.



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