Have you ever heard a homosexual take a stand against the evils of Rock music? Many of the Rock singers are bisexuals and homosexuals, like Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and Olivia Newton John. Here's a list of THOUSANDS of gay and bisexual famous influences in our society. God's judgment is upon America for good reason. We have forsaken the Lord.
All of those great love songs of the 1970's were a time of woeful fornication, abortion and homosexuality in the lives of people who now today are parents and grandparents to the most immoral generation in the history of America. Dr Hook's SHARING THE NIGHT TOGETHER led to a lot of adultery. Michael Jackson's I WANT TO ROCK WITH YOU undoubtedly led to millions of abortions. Music is the most powerful force in the world next to the newsmedia and the Word of God.
Steven Tyler just helped Country music tramp, Carrie Underwood strut in her underwear to produce GOOD GIRL (more like a little devil). Today's Country music is as immoral, rebellious and sinful as yesterday's Rock music. Carrie Underwood is no better than Black Sabbath, and I mean that. At least Black Sabbath wore clothes in concert.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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