Fuck you and everyone that looks like you
Fuck Christians
Fuck your false beliefs
And fuck your Christ
In a perfect world, religion wouldn't exist.
everyone that looks like you
Petty bastard. I don't care if this is just exaggeration, it's still small-minded and dumb.
'In a perfect world, religion wouldn't exist.'
I agree, but probably not for the same reasons as you. Religion isn't the imperfection in the world, but a response to it. For me, it's more that 'in a perfect world, no one would need religion'.
As to the rest, it's just offensive generalisations about a vast population of unique individuals. I assume it was in response to a particularly vile instance, but that's no reason to tar them all.
Well, I don't completely disagree, but kuribo certainly could have written that with a little less vitriol. Fundie Christians are bad, but not all Christians.
in a world which i would call perfect, religion WOULDN'T exist. that may be the only point we agree on. cussing at other people --- no matter how satisfying --- won't get this world any closer to perfection, however you define it. (perfection is not possible, because no two people can ever agree on what it should be. )
I wouldn't know about that.
But then, we Brits have a state religion: the Church of England.
There is a difference.
Previous Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith banned the Westboro Baptist Church from entering the UK. That edict continued by subsequent HS's including the current one Amber Rudd: Conservative .
Funny then, how the C-of-E clergy peers in the House of Lords haven't said word one in complaint about that, eh? Then or now.
Section 5 of the Public Order Act. 'Tis such a great thing...!
What the hell are you talking about with this one? What is your state religion supposed to be different from , exactly? Christianity? Religion? Because neither of those would be accurate. And how does one sect not sticking up for another when the government bans it bolster your argument? If anything, that seems like a point in Kuribo's favor. I feel like you started typing halfway through your thoughts and left out something important with the beginning. Some major connecting thread.
Or maybe you're just drunk. I don't know.
@Shepard Solus: I think he means a difference between fundies & decent religious folk.
And how does it make kuribo's point if a non-fundie sect lets a dangerous fundie sect be banned? That actually defeats the whole "all Christians are exactly alike" spiel that people like NeoMatrix (and apparently you) profess.
I'm sure the Quakers and Unitarians would like a word with you about all of them being just like the WBC cult... as would most of the members here for being (by the same logic) exactly like the psycho fascist NeoMatrix.
This is like the filthiest version of John Lennon's "Imagine' ever.
I just have to say, you're effing awesome. Reading your comments is one of the things that keeps me coming back here.
And how does it make kuribo's point if a non-fundie sect lets a dangerous fundie sect be banned?
Because it's the outlawing of a dangerously -fundamentalist- version of Christianity for the general public's safety.
That actually defeats the whole "all Christians are exactly alike" spiel that people like NeoMatrix (and apparently you) profess.
You've read a great deal from two sentences. I never said that all Christians were alike. All Christianity (and its kin), however, is. They all share belief in the Old Testament. Just because the average practitioner doesn't obey the innumerable commands to murder or try to take advantage of the permission to rape & pillage found in there doesn't mean that those commands & permissions are not in there. It just means that the average practitioner's humanity supercedes their faith and compels them to a gauntlet of mental gymnastics or turning of a blind eye to square their religion with their personal morals.
It's the religion that I despise. The people vary wildy but the religion they share is based on a vile bedrock and as long as it persists the dangerous sects will continue to pop up out of it. I don't think it's going away any time soon nor would I support its forced excision, but that doesn't stop me from detesting it.
@Shepard Solus
As the Church of England isn't fundie, that's the difference.
Now what's stopping the WBC from following their example...?
...oh yes, that's right: no concept of Diplomacy : thinking before speaking.
That's why they get quoted here, and not, say, the Archbishop of Canterbury Marcus Welby.
The Phelpses should realise that.
So that's why Fundieism isn't known here.
Just like Daniel Radcliffe has in recent years, David Tennant has certainly grown into becoming the Benedict Cumberbatch-esque actor he is today; being the 10th Doctor has done his career no harm.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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