DiggerForTruth #conspiracy #racist diggerfortruth.wordpress.com

You are grossly ignorant of history Lydia. Go away and do your homework. You have been conditioned – brainwashed by the mass onslaught of jewish lies/propaganda. Every sentence you have written is a nonsense. Your u-s-history.com is a jew source……..therefore not independent research.

To answer your last four questions:
1/. Had Hitler fully expanded his meme of anti-jewish filth across the globe, yes the world would be a far far better place. No more jewish usury. It was because Hitler crushed the jewish banking system “usury” that he got slammed by International Jewry.
2/. Well, this is not really about jews per sa. It is about judaism – the cult, the meme, the energy, the ideology. That is the issue. And what judaism really stands for. Hence why Jews have been booted out of 109 countries over 2000 years. It is the charater of the jew stemming from the meme/ideology of judaism.
3/. Well I don’t know what you mean by ‘our country’. It was three main forces [Britain – America and Russia] Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin who were all representatives of International jewry who instigated WW2. These three jew agents got the Gentiles engaged in fighting Hitler. Hitler of course did all he could to prevent war.
4/. This is a falsely presented question because ………..THERE WERE NO TORTURING AND DELIBERATE KILLING by Hitler and the NAZIs. You are repeating jew-propagada.

Go away and do some serious INDEPENDENT research Lydia. You are just repeating what you have been told to repeat.



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