Matt Forney #homophobia #racist #wingnut
Today marks one year since the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. An ISIS terrorist barged into a gay club during Latin Night and opened fire, killing 49 homosexuals, cruelly keeping them from killing themselves with HIV and meth. The response from Western civilization’s erstwhile defenders was swift: this was a tragedy! A horror! We must fight the Muslims and keep them from attacking the most disease-ridden and predatory part of our population! Deus vult!
Nobody knew it then, but that was the day the American alt-right, the New Right, and the alt-media in general began its slow death.
I have no love for Muslims and I want to see them get their asses kicked back to the Middle East. But embracing homosexuals in the fight against Islam is like curing a headache with 9 mm to the brainpan. Homosexuality and sexual deviancy are the central reasons why Islam has become an existential threat to the white race. The barbarians at the gates only prey on those who are too weak to fight back, and right now, Western civilization is lying bedridden in the oncology ward as the relatives weep and pray.
In the year 2017, white nations possess weapons that can incinerate entire cities in the blink of an eye. We have drones that allow soldiers to conduct assassinations from the comfort of an air-conditioned break room on the other side of the world. Far from the famines and diseases that ravaged Europe during medieval times, we’re so well-fed that we’re becoming obese.
And yet, it is now, and only now, that we are crumbling in the face of Islam.
Even as Muslims attack our nations’ capitals on a weekly basis, we refuse to name them as the enemy. We not only refuse to expel them from our lands, we invite more of them in, and even elect them to run our cities. We’re so deep in denial that even at death’s door, some of us are more concerned with genuflecting to political correctness then actual survival.
The answers as to why this is can be found in the Orlando shooting and the alt-right’s response to it.
The homosexuals who died at Omar Mateen’s hands were dead men walking. They were soulless hedonists with no stake in America’s survival and no concerns beyond immediate self-gratification. They were at the club because they wanted to get drunk, do drugs, and have as much meaningless sex as possible, then stick the taxpayer with the bill once med-resistant AIDS and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea took their toll. In fact, as Common Filth revealed, one of the sodomites who died in the shooting was connected to Kenboy, one of the “stars” of The Gift, a documentary about gay men who deliberately try to get HIV.
Not only do sodomites have no loyalty to their societies, they have no loyalty to each other. One of the survivors of the Pulse shooting escaped the nightclub through a back door, then barred it, preventing anyone else from escaping with him. How many people died as a direct result of his actions?
If there’s a finer example of the nature of sodomites, I have yet to find one.
There’s no comparison between homosexuals and heterosexuals. When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation. They are using their sexuality in the way it is meant to be used. When a man is attracted to another man (or a woman is attracted to another woman), they aren’t seeing another human being, they’re seeing a convenient way to get off.
Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.
The reciprocity and selflessness that defines heterosexual relationships (and is necessary for them to function) does not exist among homosexuals and can never exist. How can two people who view each other as sex meat ever have a normal relationship? This accounts for all the perversions, dysfunctions, and maladies that sodomites suffer, from bizarre paraphilias such as anonymous sex and coprophilia to horrendously high rates of domestic violence among lesbians.
A heterosexual man who sleeps around (or, for that matter, a heterosexual woman who sleeps around) is and will always be morally superior to any homosexual.
No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection. Due to their horrendously self-destructive lifestyles, most of the men in that nightclub would have died young anyway: gays have much shorter life expectancies than the general population.
The Orlando shooting should have been a wake-up call to the non-cucked right. Whites have become addicted to pleasure and indulgement above all else: our highest ambition in life is to be “veal wrapped in cotton,” as Common Filth put it. That’s the real reason why we won’t fight back against Islam or Mexican illegals: because we’re too addicted to sex and pleasure. Because we don’t want reality to intrude upon our bareback hugbox orgy. Undoing this is the only way to save our nations, and it starts with recognizing that homosexuality, transsexuality, and the 31 flavors of gender need to be done away with.
The non-cucked right couldn’t manage even this.
Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes responded to the shooting by making out in public. The Right Stuff and other alt-right outlets (there’s no difference between the alt-right and the “alt-lite” when it comes to sodomy) declared that Orlando was another reason to “remove kebab” (even though it was Latinos, not huwytes, who were killed). Donald Trump declared at the Republican National Convention that he was the “voice” of the LGBT community. Not one person asked why our culture had degenerated to the point where gay nightclub bareback orgies had become acceptable.
The alt-media, which castigated mainstream conservatives as “cuckservatives,” collectively cucked out by taking a left-wing position on gay rights.
They didn’t even get thirty pieces of silver for their betrayal. Despite all the outreach to homos that the alt-right did, despite the fact that Trump was the first GOP presidential candidate to wave a rainbow flag, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton was being funded in part by Saudi Arabia (where homosexuality is punished with the death penalty), four out of every five LGBT voters supported the Democrats. Appealing to the survival instincts of gays is always a losing bet, because if sodomites had a sense of self-preservation, they wouldn’t be sodomites.
And now we have the likes of Theresa May declaring that Muslims should “integrate” into our culture. You mean the culture that puts five-year old children on hormone blockers so they can become a wretched facsimile of the opposite sex? The culture where lesbian teachers can prey on underage students and get a slap on the wrist, but a college kid can be arrested for rape if he doesn’t beg his girlfriend for permission to kiss her? It certainly isn’t the culture of blood, soil, and family values that they want Muslims to conform to, not when the “right” to infect others with AIDS is cherished over the right of parents to safeguard their sons from homosexual pedophiles.
Why should Muslims want to become part of this disgusting culture? Why shouldn’t they want to destroy it?
And remember: those Muslims are there because the same people who think being gay is okay brought them here, after bombing their countries to kingdom come. You destroy everything a man has, drag him into your house and force him to watch abominable acts, and you act surprised when he despises you and everything you stand for?
If nationalism is to win, it must confront the corruption at the center of the white soul. The white proclivity for numbness and hedonism—as represented by the sodomite, the tranny, the aromantic demisexual otherkin—must be confronted and cast out. The traitors and infiltrators in the right-wing ranks must be outed and removed.
I’m not that hopeful, not when I see more discussion of moral issues and sexual perversion on a “PUA” site like Return of Kings then I see on any soi-disant alt-right site, or when I see open sodomites like Grindr Greg Johnson trying to drive wedges between men and women. But I could be wrong.