when we all get to Heaven, will we all be MALES??? Remember, there is no such thing as a female angel. All the angels in the Bible are males and Jesus said we would be like the angels... so what do you think??? Are females now actually males living in a female house (body)?
Uh... if that's heaven, I'll go to hell and keep my vagina, thanks.
Also, does this justify homosexuality, since we're all really males anyway?
I don't actually think (lesser) angels have a gender, at least not according to most literature on the subject. Not that it matters, since they don't actually exist.
By the by, what makes you think you'd become an angel anyway? Maybe you'd just get to sit around on a cloud.
St Thomas of Aquinas said so, but well, he was a Catholic. I mean, WTF?, what are you meaning, that you believe that an angel is a guy with wings?. And they say that Christianity is the liberation of women..........(Jesus is, of course)
Read your Bible, Jerry - Jesus said that we would be neither male nor female, like the angels. For fuck's sake, if you're going to follow this shit, at least get it right.
Besides, what is the use of you or, say, the first Fathers of the Church demanding loads of duties for women to do if they are not going to Heaven anyway?, Actually, that´s what a man answered in this congress when they debated whether women had soul or not. I mean, if the only goal is going to Heaven, it makes no sense. This guy is not actually misoginist, he´s just stupid, ignorant because he doesn´t understand what LIKE in this context means or that angels are totally asexual.
Are females now actually males living in a female house (body)?
If we are, then just give me my damn equal rights, already. Now you have no excuse left!
Actually, the Bible never really assigns identifiable gender to angels. Since the English language (like many other modern languages) lacks a commonly used gender-neutral pronoun for referring to an individual, the masculine is used as a default. In ancient Hebrew society, the feminine denomination would have never been used anyway to refer to an individual in a position of power and suthority, so the "gender" of angels, in the original context, is never clearly established.
And since the Bible takes the position that angels are "spiritual beings" without set form and appearence, I suppose if they wanted a vagina they could just have one.
Hell, if you go back in Jewish Kabbalism, angels are stated as being either hermaphrodites or without genitals at all.
Also, does this justify homosexuality, since we're all really males anyway?
Good one.
Napoleon the clown pretty much summed it up for me. The Buy-Bull is patriarchal, misogynistic crap. No female angels, no female apostles, no female god.
Pure, unadulterated, fucktardedness.
Wouldn't this "logic" make female-to-male transexuals holy? Or half-holy, because they don't get to have wings yet?
o o
(That's the universal symbol, which I just invented, for "brain exploded." Just so you know.)
Madame Scarlet: My fearsome, greasy cock will be glad to desecrate your femininity. However, mine is the only cock in hell, unless you count the strap-ons.
Wait. What about Mary???
That thought occurred to me, but I couldn't work out a nice way of putting it.
That girl must be getting more action than Smurfette.
...and we know she has a thing for Angels spinning lines.
"Are females now actually males living in a female house (body)?""
At least this sexist line of thinking could, in a way, make fundies reconsider their misogyny. (well not really , but at least their misogynistic actions, since women are really MEN like me!)
Elisha once saw so many angels they COVERED the mountains and hills surrounding Samaria. That was only a host of angels, a small contingency of the multitude of heaven! Jesus' birth was announced by a host of heaven that filled the entire night sky. That's alot of angels, and it was only a small host in both cases.
Out of that entire group only two angels are mentioned by name in the Bible and they are masculine names: Michael and Gabriel.
You're making a bad assumption based on two angels who are obviously masculine. 2 out of a billion isn't really convincing.
Try again
Hmmm - it reminds me of the Dave Allen joke where the hell fire and brimstone preacher is on a roll about hell and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. A little old lady spoke up and said she didn't have any teeth. The pastor was stumped and thought about this for a little while before triumphantly declaring, "Teeth will be provided!"
So heaven will be full of the beating of cocks or something?
"Are females now actually males living in a female house (body)?"
Uh, would not that makes us all gay?
"Remember, there is no such thing as a female angel."
Get out your concordance. Quit making us all look bad.
You better hope not, cause that would mean everyone is a homosexual. And by fundie standards, that means we're all going to hell. Yes, even your dad.
Oh, and read your bloody Bible why don't you? According to it, angels are not dead people, and you don't become angels when you die. Nor do you become "like" angels. The comparison you are referring to means that you will exist in harmony with God, like the angels (alegedly) do.
Based on shaky Biblical evidence, Jerry is declaring that Heaven is filled with men and only men. You know you want it, Closet Boi.
Satan: Bad news. I refuse to consider God's murder just, so I'll be sent to hell along with you. That means I get to claim a 50% share of all available vaginas.
You needn't worry, though. I'm a different species.
Isn't the idea of us becoming angels after death an old pop-theology nugget with no basis in scripture? I was sure that angels were entirely distinct from humans.
Is it bad that I saw the word "house" written in blue?
let me just carry on this Fundie logic, as South Park once said:
"That means your wife's a dude, faggot!"
Living in lala-land? When I was little we played with small pictures called bookmarks or scraps, they often had angels or cherubs on them, and they looked female most of them. What? My fantasy is not as viable as yours?
But if we are all one and the same, there is no reason for different treatment of males and females? Nice to know. Equality now, please.
Yep, because only gays go to heaven.
(You have to love it when these idiots worry about things like this.)
First of all, the High Angel Gabriel is most often described as female. Get your damn facts right.
Second of all, I think you just gave a thumbs up for LGBT people. "Males in a female body". Someone's trying to say something. XD
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