coadie #fundie #homophobia
I have been asked this question. Yes it is many times worse.
I will go to the OT to show you. David sinned.
1. Lust of the eyes with Beer sheba
2. They were at war and he violated his duty
3. Used his power to order her brought to him.
4. He committed adultery
5. Lying to involve Uriah to cover her pregnancy
6. Had Uriah killed in battle front
7. Un repentent till Nathan did an "intervention"
I have just used a heterosexual for an example to prove a homosexual is sinning 5+ times what sin a standard sin is.
Homosexuality begins with lust of the eyes
1. Lust
2. Acting on the urges
3. Reading the bible about it's sin and lying that the bible does NOT speak against it.
4. Becoming a stumbling block for others
A. Pedophilia
B. Gay parades and agenda
C. Doing the abomination
D. Causing the partner to sin
E. Defiling the body
F. Giving oneself over to reprobate mind as bible says
G. Dishonoring your body the temple of God. (If redeemed and saved)
5. Lying about it to others. Calling another to stumble is horrible.
6. Disobeying God's plan for marriage and children.
7. Coveting a person for sex
8. Fornication
9. Based on mortality rates, it is an act that has death as an outcome.
10. There is no way it can be a testimony for Christianity.
11. Honor thy father and thy mother
12. Idolatry.
Yes the hetersexual act of David found it's little way to multiply. His sins led to a multiplyer of wrongs.
Remember the verse, if they hands or whatever offend thee Pluck it out?
I don't see people running around with their ... plucked out.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
It is severely nasty to run around and tell people that the bible is wrong when it calls homosexuality sin.
It is sin for me to have a warning and not share it.
It is another sin, if you come out and call this post Hatred, violence or vomit all of which are on this board.
Evil can not be called good. Repent.