TheNewKnightsTemplar #fundie
Hello and greetings from 2019. I am happy you have come upon this time capsule and have very deep hopes that humanity has survived and this is not being read by a caterpillar, if it IS, I guess it will eventually evolve into a human being someday, anyway. I know, right?
Our current President Donald Trump has made terrific strides in making American great again, but the only way the Left will acknowledge this is by trying to give Obama the credit. Trump DOES make a few blunders, but when we point out that President Obama made them as well, the Left blames President Trump for President Obama’s mistakes. In fact, the Left blames President Trump for everything. And if you think the Left hates the President, you should see how bizarre they get when they see a red hat.
The Democratic Left, which is pretty much all of the Democratic Party, in order to push their agenda, has been allowed to make up words, phrases, and concepts in this day and age. For instance, they say “toxic masculinity” needs to stop, we can’t have “boys being boys”, you know, like shooting guns or anything, but that is merely because the feminists don’t want girls being girls, they want girls being boys so they can shoot guns, even though they could very easily shoot guns being girls. It is somewhat like The Boy Scouts of America but with girls included, although I don’t think the Girl Scouts of America let Boy Scouts enter. But, I’m optimistic, both sexes are starting to take high school showers together in Florida.
In fact, according to the Left, girls CAN be boys all they have to do is to FEEL like a boy, and if a boy feels like a girl, he can be a girl and it is okay because that isn’t toxic masculinity it is “non-toxic masculinity” which is actually feminine masculinity. I know, right? How can all of this possibly be? Simple--Because gender is a social construct but you are born that way. And if someone feels like the opposite sex, you have to call them by “zip” or “zot” or something like that; or it is considered violence and even though you didn’t know they felt like the opposite sex or forgot to ask, they can kill you. And homosexuality is okay because the sex they have isn’t hurting anyone, but you are deranged as hell (maybe not by next week), if you have sex with the dead, even though THAT really isn’t hurting anyone either.
And socialism is the latest and greatest thing, even though it has been around as long as dirt. But it will work this time, even though it has never ever worked in the past; because it is DEMOCRATIC Socialism. And the difference is ... actually there IS no difference but who cares because things will be free! Free health care and college and vehicles and cell phones and we might as well throw in meals until things collapse and there is no more food. We will still have to work, though. I know, right?
And abortion is perfectly okay because a woman has a right to do what she wants with her body, although it ISN’T her body because it has its own DNA. And it isn’t alive although it has a heartbeat. And it isn’t her body after the baby is born, either, but that doesn’t matter as long as we keep the mother’s mental health intact. And the best WAY to keep the mother’s mental health intact is to kill her infant.
And infanticide is something Islamic extremists have been known to do, but we can’t say that out loud or we are an Islamophobe. Which actually doesn’t mean in inordinate fear of Islam anymore, it has been changed to mean “hater” of all and everything Islam and sometimes more than that. And note; we are still CALLING the baby an infant because the Left hasn’t, as of yet, had the chance to come up with a stigma-lessening euphemism like “external cellular expiration” or for the more socially elite, “Baby B Gone”. We can even revive the child and have a nice, extremely short and pressure-prone discussion with the already overwhelmed mother, so that if she does have regrets after the slaughter, which she will, she has been involved in the decision because it is all about “choice”. However, choice still means two or more options, but if you express opinions favoring THE OTHER option besides killing, you’re a racist. I am not really sure why you are a racist; almost everyone who does anything anymore is a racist, so I guess it just got included in the name of “diversity” and “love”. Maybe not love.
If this is all confusing for you, I have to admit is rather the same for most of us on the RIGHT, what comforts me is that we live in a tolerant society, that is unless you are Christian or Jewish, and then you don’t count, especially if you refuse to make certain kinds of wedding cakes.
Besides much controversy these days about war, we have a rather perplexing breed of individuals we call SJW’s or “Social Justice Warriors”. They don’t really DO anything or WEAR any ARMOR, they just lay in wait for people to say something offensive, which is pretty much everything they hear. These warriors believe in “all things civil” especially good productive discussion, as long as they get to scream and you don’t get to say anything at all. That is, unless you agree with them, and then you can all hold hands and go to a designated area called a “safe space”. Oddly enough, although you might think these spaces were designed for preschoolers, they are actually most prominent on our college campuses these days. They are even in the internet encyclopedia called Wikipedia, which is a rather “strange bird” in itself because anyone can add anything to it in the name of collaboration, so it changes a lot. Sometimes these SJW’s turn into a fantasy creature called a troll, but it amounts to the same thing, screaming and then running off to a safe space.
Our Mainstream Media are much the same as the SJW’s but we still have freedom of speech, unless you post anything conservative on certain social platforms like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and a few others. But they apologize for taking things down, usually; some of the time; if they get caught; and they have been working on new algorithms and training their staff to not be so sensitive for the last decade or so, so things are looking promising. Our search engines like Google aren’t very reliable either, but who needs an honest search engine?
I hope this has cleared up what 2019 is like at the time of burying this time capsule. I am sure you wish you had science and history records, but they were all destroyed by the Left and replaced with pornography.
An SJW just told me to tell you to write when you can. I know, right?