@JulesVerne29 , @Bp4_Canada & Dr Jordan B Peterson #transphobia twitter.com

( @JulesVerne29 )
I am shocked (well not really) that Canadian media promotes a trans agenda for CHILDREN to be given LIFE ALTERING surgery! This is not ok, and to suggest @PierrePoilievre and conservatives are transphobic because they want to PROTECT vulnerable CHILDREN is shocking and concerning

( @Bp4_Canada )
#1MillionMarch4Kids Sept 20th
* If you know child abuse when you see it.
* If you know the biggest medical scandal of the century when you see it.
* If you want to protect your kids from having this path glorified at their schools under the guise of "inclusion".

( Dr Jordan B Peterson )
For the butchers
For life



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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