Missy #racist amren.com

16 Sept is about Mexicans, not Hispanics.

There is one thing to keep in mind about Mexico, they are patriotic. The 16 Sept. holiday is called Fiestas Patrias and it is all about patriotism. It is similar to our Armistice Day back in the 50's. School children are let out to attend speeches by various people much is made about National pride. It lasts a whole week. It is a big deal. One other thing, Mexicans make good soldiers. Also, Mexico is male dominated, they are almost immune to PC.

Look at it from their perspective. They look north and see a thoroughly corrupt, decadent, weak, drug soaked, female dominated society ripe for the fall and they are tempted.

They think anglo's welfare programs and open borders is indication that anglos are stupid and weak. Economic opportunists.

Most whites will read this and dismiss it. I think the problem is whites feel invincible. Mexicans are a joke. Rome can never fall. I think whites are caught in an illusion of safety, security and don't understand that empires always fall.

...Hispanics feel the demographic wind in their sails, and routinely boast about their increasing power. They take it for granted that it is only a matter of time before they push aside the old “Anglo” power structure....

South Americans come to the US for a better life but due to a lower IQ or pride, just can't grasp that removing anglos from the US will result in the end of the US as a 1st world nation. Maybe it's more about winning than the results. That was certainly the case for Zimbabwe.

One thing to note, a Hispanic US would not tolerate the US blacks.

Missy.....Whites do no think of themselves as invincible, but they do have a character flaw. They simply cannot be moved to react in the way one would expect until the threat is credible. Once a threat is credible, whites will utterly destroy their enemies to the extent humanly possible. But unless and until that threat is credible, they are not going to strike until the iron is hot.
Blacks in the USA are one out of eight of the population and a disproportionate number of them are children and women. They will never be a credible threat. Hispanics are 16 percent of the population and only half are citizens....and a disproportionate number of them are children and women. Likewise, they are not a threat and there seems to be no possibility of black and Hispanic being on the same side. They really dislike each other.

Not to mention, something like 50% of black males is in or has been in prison. It's just ridiculous if you look at the demographics of the prison populations, why this is being tolerated. The threat South Americans present is voting, disrupting our elections, because I read some states are attempting to allow illegals to vote.

I agree whites do not perceive a threat. But I notice a white tendency to move away from the diversity as a solution.



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