various commenters #transphobia

Transgender Debate: Phi Mu Sorority Punishing Alumni Who Believe Women Are Women

( Women1st )
Welcome to the new arm of the TRAs seeking to silence women, sororities. This is nuts, no pun intended. Why do we have sororities and a Supreme Court judge, and female politicians all claiming being a woman is an identity??? Wtf?

( MiMi2013 )
Because they're evil. PERIOD. Men and women who identify with men are weaponizing trans-shit against the 99% , to let the MEN of the 99% know they're too weak, too powerless, to protect their wives and daughters (the women who are actually being assaulted by these monsters are an afterthought). This is strictly political, and it's a group of people who think they're elite enjoying grinding the faces of everyone else into the dirt, for some ultimate motive of which we can only guess at this point.

( Iggyana )

That night, five Phi Mus were dismissed from membership. Another was put on probation and required to attend diversity, equity, and inclusion training; take the Harvard Implicit Bias Test; listen to certain podcast episodes for “reeducation,” and then write a reflection paper. After completing these tasks, the woman is still at risk of having her membership taken away.

I hope the 6th woman tells them to shower their membership up their arses. They're trying to humiliate her.

( SpicyPumpkin )
The word "reeducation" leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't see it meaning anything other than brainwashing.

( Vasilisa )
Chairman Mao for the win 😬

( Novemberinthechair )
Yep. Maoist Communist China....Red Guard stuff.



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