/Kern is a deeply religious woman./
You mean, a deeply religious fanatic.
/She is not homophobic, she is not anti gay./
Then why does she spew out hateful comments about homosexuals and seek to deny them equal rights? If blacks tried to deny whites equal rights, I don't think you'd say, "Oh, they're not racist, they're not anti-white."
/She is against the agenda of gays who seek not equality but superiority in our society./
All they're asking for is to be treated like equal human beings, not pariahs or gods. How does asking for rights that most heterosexuals take for granted, seeking "superiority in our society?" The only ones seeking superiority are you, Kern, and the rest of your bigoted ilk.
/She resents the elite status that gays receive in education, the media, the arts and culturally./
And bring on the whole "gays are twittering, effeminate, flamboyant fashionistas" stereotype. Yes, there are some actors who have come out about their sexuality, but they constitute a very small minority. They are not given prominence based their sexual orientation. It's a meritocracy, for the most part. Get over yourself.