MenHaveItEasy , crispycherrypie & BondiBlue #transphobia

“The main goal of lactation induction in transgender women may not necessarily be milk production, but rather the nonnutritional benefits that come from breastfeeding.”

( MenHaveItEasy )
Lot of fancy words to say you believe men should be allowed to sexually abuse newborns for their AGP fetish.

This "male breastfeeding" shit is the single most horrific thing ever to come out of transgender activism. Im glad more people are finally seeing how dangerous and sick these men are.

Edit: Not to mention the risk of PTSD when these babies grow up and learned that their biological father posted pictures of themselves molesting their babies, and blogged about how they got off on it.

( crispycherrypie )
By "nonnutritional benefit" I assume they mean "sexual gratification".

( BondiBlue )
The participants in these "studies" and the people conducting them all need to be paid a visit by Chris Hansen.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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