Various TERFs #transphobia
RE: Aussie Male Who Identifies as a Black Lesbian Says "Kill All TERFs" is Equivalent to "Kill All Nazis" | Women Are Human
Is this fucking scumbag pretending to be Aboriginal? Does he also identify as someone who can spell, with his “blak” nonsense? And how many women has he raped so far? Transbian = rapist is usually a safe bet.
“Blak” is a term commonly used by Aboriginal Australians who wish to take the power out of the word “black” that was originally used against them. The article states he is an Aboriginal male so I assume his identifying as 'Blak' is not that much of an issue.
Hmm. I wonder.
(Researcher1536 )
Yea this is him!!! It’s colonization on steroids!!!!
He'll be applauded for his "feminine" bravery and commitment to BIPOC lives. It's insanity. Men truly get away with everything.
"The great thing about being a Black lesbian is that everytime I punch, it's up." Fucking hell, they are the most pathological colonisers I've seen.
I can't understand the delusion. No one outside of woke circles would ever see him or treat him as an actual black lesbian.
It basically reveals their true motivations: get to be violent and maintain a mantle of moral virtue.
It's the heat, it has to be. Woman-face might not be a holy cow, but black-face is. And this guy thinks he can get away with appropriating race and sex? The only logical conclusuon: the Aussie heat melted his brain.
There was a TIM in Canada that made news a little while back for going trans-racial and styling himself as from India. It's fine for him to pretend he's a sex that he's not, apparently, but not to pretend he's an ethnicity he's not.