"This is awful. This proves that conservatives don't want less government, they want more of the "right" government, that enforces their bigotry and views onto others. Such hypocrites."
That depends.
There's not much context given here to being with. If this is a private establishment the owner has a right to kick you out, with the help of police if necessary. Government enforcing property rights is totally legitimate even for a die hard libertarian. Less government doesn't mean "anything goes".
This should be a non-issue by the way. Police response time is at least a few minutes, probably way more. Even if the staff saw her go in, she'd be done and out of there in far less. Maybe the cop was standing right next to the restroom but I doubt it. There has to be more to the story.
As a personal note, she does not look female at all, she looks like and dresses like a young man to any reasonable person. And maybe you don't think that's fair, but what do you want us to do? She has no papers on her either to clarify (I wouldn't be surprised if they were "accidentally" left home just to cause a scene as these agitators often like to do). Stop trying to pass this off as anti-lesbian bigotry nor is having segregated restrooms based on sex comparable to Jim Crow race segregation. It's a rule most places have because they noticed men and women aren't generally comfortable peeing or taking off their pants around the opposite sex (certainly not to total strangers when they're fucking peeing or taking a dump). I'm sick of social justice warriors trying to get that rule changed because of 0.0001% of the population doesn't adapt. You don't respect our "heteronormative" culture, why should we respect you? Crybabies. Go file your bogus lawsuits, hope you lose and go bankrupt.
The law is totally justified. You know how you get around it? Don't fucking make a scene and the owners won't have a reason to kick you out. If you resemble male, go male. If you resemble female, go female. Nobody will notice anyway. But don't expect to look fully male and go into the women's bathroom. You're not fighting for anyone's rights, you're just being a drama whore and purposefully disregarding public decency. There's a reason we segregate bathrooms based on sex and it's not due to sexism. It's cause of privacy concerns. Don't like it, piss in the woods.
Also ask yourself why all these businesses are boycotting a US state, but not countries with actual human rights abuses? It's all an act to appeal to far leftists and you're falling for it.
It has been standard practice to segregate bathrooms based on sex pretty much almost everywhere in the world. You don't know what fascism actually means, you're just throwing around words. Guess what? None of the people who actually FOUGHT actual fascism in Italy, Germany etc. would agree with you. The people in the 40's also segregated bathrooms.
And yeah I get that she's actually female, but she doesn't look female, has no papers, i.e. can't prove she's actually female. I wouldn't be surprised if she dressed in a way to resemble a young man as much as possible just to cause a scene. Police don't get involved for petty crap like this usually.