Various Commenters #racist
RE: John Cleese Has His Microphone Taken Away at South by Southwest Festival for Saying That Britain Should Get Reparations
(Andrew Jackson)
‘[People] get competitive about this business of being oppressed. We were oppressed, the English, by the Romans from about 0 to 400.’
If liberals don't shut him down they'll have to explain how the Anglo despite being oppressed by the Romans created the biggest Empire on planet Earth while the negro can't even get a job and stop committing petty theft.
(Darien X)
Eventually the average white man is going to wake up and his enemies will get the beat down of their lives.
This incessant bashing of whites cannot continue forever, even the meek will fight back, except we are not the meek.
I wish that were true but it’s not
Not every white will side with his own. There will be plenty of white brown shirts who will disposed of once they are no longer useful. There are no plans for whites in the the future of the pocs, except maybe sex slaves.
The hoards of blacks and Pakistanis certainly should give white Brits reparations for all the damage they caused.
I’ve always felt that I deserved reparations because my Southern ancestors never received compensation when their slaves were stolen by an illegitimate foreign gov ernment.
(Dermot Kyne)
One may consider, objectively, the matter of whether an number of European nations may demand reparations from the north African states. Muslim corsairs, raiding and slaving all along the coastline of Southern Europe, even ranged as far north as lceland.
The Muslim slave trade began earlier than the African slave trade by approximately 800 years, and it endured for far longer.
Europeans have, quantitatively and historically, far more robust and substantial claims for compensation from the states and peoples of the Maghreb, than sub - Saharan Africans and their descendants have from the United States, England or Europe.