Speaking of homosexuality being the 'hot-button' sin, I think the reason some in the Christian world speak out against this particular sin SO often is that the homosexuals are SO extremely vocal about claiming that being gay is 'normal' and something to be celebrated and accepted. You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good. JMHO
"You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good."
Apart from just about every politician since Thermistocles[*].
[* Who 'appropriated' the output of an Athenian silver mine to build a warfleet by convincing the public it was needed to protect Athens' merchant shipping from an non-existent threat of attack by Aegina.]
"You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good."
What, like Kent Hovind refusing to pay taxes, claiming it was the will of God, and therefore good?
"You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good. "
There is an entire network that uses that for a business model. Being a fundie, it's probably the only place you get your "news".
All anyone has to do is frequent this site to think all fundie Christians lie(especially about politics, science, and Bible knowledge) and televangelists and Hovind are two perfect examples of stealing (sadly enough in the name of the Lord). But all one really has do is see the multiple hoops you guys have to jump through cherry-picking verses against homosexuality when lying and stealing are both in the "Ten Commandments".
(David B.)
"Apart from just about every politician since Thermistocles[*]."
History proved him right, though. After all, if he hadn't had a navy with which to repel the Persian navy, Leonidas and his brave 300 would have been owned at the beginning of the first day of the battle of Thermopylae, their heroic last stand amounting to zilch.
Unlike weppasmom, I believe that, when the current generation of teens and tweens grows up and their own children become teenagers, history will have shown that those who believe homosexuals shouldn't enjoy the same rights that straight people enjoy were no more successful in their fight against progress than were those who wanted to deny rights to those of different skin tones, or to those who have vaginas instead of penises.
Speaking of homosexuality being the 'hot-button' sin, I think the reason some in the Christian world speak out against this particular sin SO often is that the homosexuals are SO extremely vocal about claiming that being gay is 'normal' and something to be celebrated and accepted.
Are you sure you haven't switched cause and effect?
You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good.
I thought you people worshiped the Bush administration.
I first read hot button as hot bottom. :D
Here's a clue for you, you fundies have always harrassed gays. You managed to take away their rights in California. Gays have been killed for merely being gay. does Matthew Shepherd ring a bell?
Here's another thing you can do with your little rant, replace "homosexual" and "gay" with negro.
And finally, are you comparing being gay to lying and stealing? Oh well, I guess it's an improvement over "the gays are pedophiles" nonsense.
If his argument were correct, then there'd be far more of a fuss about people eating pork products. More people do that than are gay, and it's not only claimed to be right and good but is actually advertised as such on TV!
Most christians think lying and stealing is ok, but only if you're a christian. Lying and stealing for non-christians is not ok, it's a sin. Of course, it most of the world would believe that lying and stealing are wrong, under most circumstances, while christians think they ok because god said they could do whatever they want as long as they believe in jeebus.
@Rat of Steel:
"History proved him right, though. After all, if he hadn't had a navy with which to repel the Persian navy, Leonidas and his brave 300 would have been owned"
Oh, absolutely! It wouldn't have been a very good example to compare with the "sin" of homosexuality if - despite all Thermistocles' arguments - it had been the wrong thing to do now would it?
People routinely justify their behaviour as right, good, natural, necessary, unavoidable, provoked, or ordained/blessed/demanded by God; but all that really matters is that everyone involved be capable, responsible and consenting.
You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good.
Lying and stealing has nothing to do with homosexuality.
"You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of lying or stealing, for instance, is right and good. JMHO"
Well, just in MY honest opinion: homosexuality isn't a sin ANYWHERE else but in religion. And I REALLY don't think homosexuality should be lumped in with real crimes, like lying and stealing.
BTW, there IS one institution that claims that their sins of lying and stealing is right and good: The Church.
Speaking of ignorance being the 'hot-button' sin, I think the reason some in the thinking world speak out against this particular sin SO often is that the ignorant Christians are SO extremely vocal about claiming that being close-minded is 'normal' and something to be celebrated and accepted. You don't hear anyone (that I know of) claiming that their sin of ignorance and bias, for instance, is right and good.
Just My Homo Opinion.
Isn't believing in a different god or gods a sin? I think billions of people would say that is normal, good, and right.
Isn't having sex before marriage a sin? Lots of people do that and think it is normal and not immoral.
What about working on the sabbath? Eating shellfish?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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