Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

It’s a hoax. It’s 911 all over again.

I put this here for the public record.

In my opinion, It's a big hoax. How do I know?

It's in the symptoms.

I had this in April of 2019. Yes. I had COVID-19 and I challenge a doctor to test me for antibodies to prove me wrong.

To all of you out there that are pushing this hoax onto the world. To you in positions of power and entertainment pushing this virus to collapse the global economy because of Trump AND Johnson (BREXIT), you can kiss my butt after a Coors Light dump. YES YOU CAN!


What finally convinced me was my woman and I, after returning from a trip to Florida, both got sick. Her first and me second. Terrible metallic taste in our mouths, chills, dry hack cough, and discolored gross tongues. It took four weeks for her to recover and six weeks for me, as I ended up with bacterial basal pneumonia. The meds the doc prescribed set me back for the extra two weeks because they were so strong. Through all of it, I only missed 4 days work.

At the time I chalked it up to burnout at work followed by too much partying in Florida. There were others in my sphere that had this too. It was going around.

Now that I realize what is going on, I am leaving isolation and carrying on as normal and going to tell anyone who asks me to isolate to f off. I hope that I get arrested so I make the news. I am in my 50's and facing layoff because of this.

If I am wrong, I catch it again and suffer the consequences. But deep down my instincts tell me I am bang on. This is a psyop. China probably is right that they did not start this. Or if they did, its been around a lot longer than has been claimed.

I present myself for testing as Exhibit A.

Remember all of those people in China yelling from their apartments at governments officials and media "it's all fake" and the media tried to say that they were referring to the recovery as fake? No they weren't, they were referring to the lockdown and isolation of people.

I don't care if you believe me or not at this stage...I am calling the media-government-entertainment industry response a big hoax to a virus. We get thousand of deaths the world over from virus annually. This is no different. People get sick and die. We are being lied to and instilled with fear. No one was testing for this until recently. How many past flu deaths were this virus?

Go live your life people. Ignore the fear. All will be fine. It's all BS because they want Trump gone.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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