Various Commenters #racist
RE: Appeals Court OKs Trump Plan to End Protected Immigration Status for 4 Countries
What is there to say? At some point people have to defend their own country and that's what Trump wanted to do. As for the central American's: I'm sorry that yours is a craphole but it's the Aztec/Mayan way. Go back and lop some heads off.
Lop heads off after cutting out the hearts. The left engaged in a malicious fraud in 1965 - they lied then, promising that their new immigration proposal would not alter the racial makeup of the USA. It has in fact racially transformed the US. Now, in 2020, they make out like it is illegitimate to try to prevent further immigration-driven racial transformation.
(Mark Sohn)
All these central Americans say is they are afraid for their safety because there are cartels in their home countries. But why come here, when they can stay with their cousins in Mexico? Free food, health care, shelter? Look you illegal sobs, fix your countries. We're fed up with you just crowding us and playing your loud La Raza music.
Many of them ARE the cartels.
Hehe, there was a film called, ‘Children of Men’ that showed nonwhites being expelled from the UK. Think of the film what you want; it did show nonwhites being expelled from the UK. Expelled, you know, the way the nations these people are coming from expelled their white populations, considering them colonists (and decolonization their number one national priority). I think a key feature of that is first decolonizing the minds of native citizens.
(Tom C)
We need "decolonization" in all Western countries.