Society should not tolerate Homosexuals, their perverted lifestyles, or the threat they pose to society in general.
Homosexuals should be locked away in asylums along with most liberals so they can get the help they so dearly need.
Thanks for the concern, but I doubt any problems I may have stem from homosexuality.
Unless you count becoming more and more cynical whenever I see how idiotic homophobes are.
Society should not tolerate christianists, their perverted lifestyles, or(sic) the threat they pose to society in general.
Christianists should be locked away in asylums along with most teabaggers so they can get the help they so dearly need.
You know something, I was just reading up on the Dark Ages the other day and I thought to myself, we need a bunch of people fighting to bring the Dark Ages back to modern society, but then I remembered Free Republic.
Someone's probably already fixed this, but I have to do it.
Society should not tolerate Christians, their perverted lifestyles, or the threat they pose to society in general.
Christians should be locked away in asylums along with most other monotheists so they can get the help they so dearly need.
What help does liberals need?
Never move to Europe, m'kay? Over here your liberals would be considered to be on the Right wing.
Homosexuals have basically the same lifestyle as anyone else. They go up, go to work, come home, cook diner, watch TV, go to bed.
The only thing that is different is that in the bed there are two women (or two men) instead of one man and one woman.
Homosexuals pose much less of a threat to society, than the Conservatives do.
Homosexuals just want to live their lives in peace, and receive the same respect as everyone else. How's that a threat?
Conservatives want to force their world-view onto others.
Funny, because I'm sure most conservatives and ALL Freepers consider help for the mentally ill or unbalanced a waste of money, and would just love to pull the financing from state run mental institutions.
I fully agree that homosexuals should be given asylum from the kind of insanity you fuckwits perpetrate on your country.
....wait, that wasn't what you meant, was it. *sigh*
"Society should not tolerate Homosexuals, their perverted lifestyles, or the threat they pose to society in general.
Homosexuals should be locked away in asylums"
Ted Faggard. Just sayin'.
Dear sir, would you kindly tell me who the fuck do you think you are to tell society who it should and shouldn't tolerate? What, you still didn't catch up to the fact that no one gives a fuck about your opinion anymore? Heh. That's sad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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