various commenters #transphobia

RE: Euphemisms in gender ideology.

( SlowCollapse )
'misgendering' - Honestly, bluntly, and correctly identifying sex

'egg' - Vulnerable young person being groomed towards transition

( old_but_gold )
these two are great examples!

calling people "eggs" is coercive behaviour obfuscated by cutesy lingo

( Illuminate )
they were called out too often on gender euphoria being obviously boners and now they say trans joy LMAO still always reference to their fetishistic arousal of course

( HelenaHandbasket )
The worst one is "trans genocide". It means telling a kid that they have to wait until they are adults to play around with their hormones and/or get body parts chopped off/origami'd into substandard copies.

One of the REAL definitions of genocide is sterilizing someone without their consent. And no, having your parents sign a consent form for you to be sterilized as a child isn't considered acceptable.

( OneStarWolf )
Yep. The biggest euphemism/lie/obfuscation of all is the widespread use of “trans women”. They’re just males that pretend to be women. Nothing actually women about them.

( Ladylucy )
And actual women are now non-men. TIMs in this scenario are the women—trans women—and I’m just a non. 😖😖😖😡😡😡

( darr )
Also the TIF version of gender euphoria: getting a simulated experience of male privilege and safety from the male gaze (I've had this when in costume as a character perceived as male).

( crodish )
You just brought to mind the mental image of some basement dweller dressed up in a Rogue the Bat costume at some comic con and other males fawning over him thinking it's a hot girl inside lmfao. Or when guys hit on girl avatars online without knowing it's another guy behind the screen. That's honestly what "passing" is.

( old_but_gold )
The flip side of the use of euphemisms to make concepts within gender ideology more palatable is the use of extremist terms to make rational opposition to it seem outlandishly vile.

For example, maintaining sex-based spaces becomes "excluding trans people from public life". Laws preserving opportunities for females (including TIFs) or recognizing sex as distinct from gender become "anti-trans legislation." Simply stating that sex is real and binary is "hate speech." Etc.



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