Some TERFs #transphobia

Re: TiMs sure do like to trap people in to sleeping with them thinking that they are women. Withholding information you know matters to the other part is fraud? Doesn't this make it a sort of a rape fetish?



Slept with a guy without informing him that I'm trans.

And he didn't notice,

I'm tired of having to disclose something that no longer matters. I'm not a danger to anyone, so I shouldn't have to be obligated to disclose.

We both enjoyed ourselves.

Also I have discovered a new feature of my vaginal I can get wet without lubrication. Don't ask me how. I'm getting wet these days ;-)

Love life!


Almost 600 upvotes celebrating a random guy not noticing that he's having sex with a TIM. Coming up next: celebrating a minor not noticing that you're 30, your drunk one night stand not noticing that you're not actually her boyfriend, your sister not noticing that you cream her underwear on daily basis, and many other awesome things! Stay tuned and don't let all the prudes of the world prevent you from having sex!


I'm always confused by the obvious lie about 'not noticing.' I always assumed that it was just part of the fantasy that they're roleplaying online, but I've encountered it so many times I'm starting to think they actually believe it's possible.


I wonder how many men are still a bit confused about women’s genitalia and just don’t want to be an ass (and risk not getting access in the future) by mentioning it’s different than others they’ve encountered. I also wouldn’t be surprised if some men were just so “woke” that they ignored the differences because they believe TWAW.


I'm always confused by the obvious lie about 'not noticing.' I always assumed that it was just part of the fantasy that they're roleplaying online, but I've encountered it so many times I'm starting to think they actually believe it's possible.

I love boobs, and in my entire life, I've probably seen two or three sets of breast implants that almost convinced me they were real. That's something like 0.3% of the boobs I've seen.

Ain't no way in hell that anyone is getting fooled by a fake vagina.

There are definitely men who'll have sex with TiMs and play along with the ruse, but there's ZERO possibility that they don't know what's going on.

I have a relative who's batshit crazy, and the secret to dealing with her is just treat her like she's not crazy. The second that you give her a hint that you think she's batshit crazy, all hell breaks loose.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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