MountainGorilla (“#FREENATHANLARSON”) #sexist

[RageFuel] "who cares what women think"

you don't know how much this phrase pisses me off

"who cares what women think" - MUH ALPHA MALE before allowing the 19th amendment. HAHA i guess you couldn't alpha your way out of the 19th amendment by holding frame and being confident enjoy your ass getting divorced rape

"who cares what women think" - boomers allowing the sexual revolution to destroy society and give power to women

"who cares what women think" - PUAs before getting their subhuman ass #metoo'd and being put on the sex offender registry

Why is it that people who say this phrase let feminism happen in the first place?
the tradcucks say "who cares what women think, just man up bro!" yet they allow women to divorce rape their ass and take the kids

anyone who says this phrase is either a simp or a redpill coper who thinks "men are winning" and they neglect the fact that women have so much power in society that big daddy government gives into their demands
feminism is destructive but it revealed what female nature truly was. Most men in history have been simps and now thanks to feminism, it has revealed female nature TBH.

If it weren't for feminism, I would've been a simp NGL

Before feminism, it was buying a over expensive carbon rock diamond and getting on your knees like a good little cuck.
Before feminism it was chivalry, and being a simp to women and being a gentlemen, cucked!

but thanks to feminism, It showed me that toilets aren't sugar spice and everything nice like men in the past.



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