Some MRAs #sexist

Re: Man-hating feminist cafe Handsome Her, which charges men 17% more than women because “Muh wage gap”, is closing. Another case of get woke, go broke.


Reading through those reviews is an experience unto itself. I encourage people to read them.

Whole lot of trans women testing out the waters of tolerance and finding it lacking. I guess once you start a business based on SJW principle, there is no middle ground...


Shit I thought maybe it was like one or two reviews but they shot down at least 12 trans people who identify as Female and discriminated against queer people at a queer people party they threw. Talk about radically out of touch with society.

The left has no limit to their moral extremism, i.e. "I'm more progressive than you." Imagine if the right wing were evolving into Amish separatists. That's the equivalent of what the left is actually doing.

Everything I read on the review page and the Facebook page tells me these people thought virtue signalling would somehow keep them afloat. Insulting / discriminating against half your customer base? Nah, it's for a good cause! Lesbian / gay / trans events that alienate 95% of the customer base? Nah, it's for a good cause! Serving crap food and coffee because its environmentally and animal friendly? All good, it's for the cause! "Pay if you feel like it" days for small marginal businesses... great idea! I'm sure you can sustain a business with multiple employees on the backs of seven lesbian couples and a handful of militant Feminists who only pay for bad coffee when they feel like it.

Wait, turns out you can't. Who knew?


> Identify as "she"

> get discount.

Nope. If you look through the reviews for it on TripAdvisor, a lot of negative reviews are from Trans people complaining about discrimination. Seems like the restaurant also felt it had the final say as to who is a woman or not.

Aaaaa so now gender is based on feelings instead of the opinion of the customers aye?

EDIT: After reading the reviews, wow. Nobody is safe. Every person is hated on, from trans to queers (specially men but that's obvious their main goal). This place is falling down the shit hole sooner than I would expected.


Hahahaha I wonder how this would have played

There's a bike sales/repair shop in Alberta I'm aware of that has a once a week "gender empowerment" day. You can only get in if you are female or identify as trans.

Cue one online review where a guy was denied. He pointed out the huge, 250 lbs bearded biker dude that was inside. "Oh, he's transitioning"


Side note, I heard they were looking for more patrons -they were in danger of closing.


Just read the reviews. That didn't work.

"Really bad service.

I identify as a woman but they made me pay more because i 'look like a man'. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Sexism against anyone is bad. .."

It's only sexist, because "she" didn't get accepted as a women, if "she" was accepted by the store as a women, I doubt the reviewer would cry sexism.

Glad they failed. Misandrists. Check out the reviews: Sexist Cafe Trip Advisor

Holy shit some of those reviews. Did you see the one from DanielG3163?

I asked for a coffee and the waitress, while serving it, muttered the words "f****ing latino macho"

So (assuming that's true) they're racist too!?!?

Yes. He said they were racist and misandrist. Cows. Glad they failed.

Go ahead. Read some reviews of this local.

It's # DISGUSTING. It's the perfect place for your average man hating tumblr girl. I'm fathomed that the waiters there got a green light to mostly talk to the woman and treat her as the table leader(because apparently a man who also orders food and drinks for the lady is a sexist thing today? Lol Hashtag Snowflake Era is Upon us). Moreover, apparently when men try to talk they either get fully ignored or are told to let the lady talk which is just incredibly sexist.

I was dumbfounded when I read that not only do you get treated like a second or third class citizen, the waiters are also fully allowed to throw sexist remarks or just plain bad insults towards men with a condescending tone. Holy shit.

Who on planet earth decided "I hate men so much, I'll open a cafe and implement such a sever level of segregation and misandry, men will probably avoid the street, not only the bar. Yeah, it will sell like hotcakes!"?

MOST reviews are saying the same thing: Sexist, Misandryst, Hateful, Men get treated extremely poorly while women get treated like godesses. The only "good,recommending it" reviews are from extremely sexist feminists that think this is normal or families who got treated well BECAUSE they brought a child to the table and at least the waiters had the decency to hold their sexist remarks in front of them.

It's funny seeing that a lot of reviews are from women stating just how stupid this is.

I'm glad the business went down the drain. With the risk of sounding defiant, I hope somebody wrote a list with all the employees there and added them to a blacklist of potential employees somewhere. If I owned a restaurant/cafe in AU, I'd be willing to pay 4 digits for the list of names with personal details to just outright ban them from entering the locale or ever have a chance of working under me. It's fucking despicable for crying out loud. Jesus... to think that in 2019 you have to ask for politeness and kindness.



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