kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia

Are you on fire for God enough to lose friends?

I’ve had a good friend at church and on my Facebook for years. She enjoyed my pictures of nature and that we both love Pennypack Park (where I go riding my bike). However, she posted something today that made me sad, even disappointed. She is misled by the world about a certain TV program, “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” which is a promoter of the gay agenda. I told her this, and that she shouldn’t be watching that show. She didn’t agree with my stand for Christ, saying the show “promotes love and empathy.” Empathy for what, sodomites raping straights??? So reluctantly, I removed her from my Facebook, because I am not going to force my opinion down anyone’s throat, even though I thought she was a believer like me. Just goes to show we can’t see anyone’s heart, but thankfully God can.

I’m not judging anyone for the TV shows they watch. If you enjoy watching filth from the vomit box, then that’s your issue. As for me, I gave up watching TV years ago. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Thank God He got my head out of that gutter!! And yes, I’m speaking in strong language. All this TV garbage will be completely destroyed by the Lord very soon. What a wonderful day that will be!

When you really desire to follow the Lord and live for Him with all your being, you will lose friends. The world will give you up like a cat with a hairball. Someone once told me that I’m a “hardliner” because I tell it like it is, no whitewashing or sugarcoating. If God can be straightforward, so can I, and He gives me the power to do so. Even so, AMEN!! Show me empathy on that!!



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