@AthenasWrench & @Lissak27 #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Won’t someone feel sorry for the woman hating pronoun males stealing woman’s sports? Transgender females???? Now they get the word female too? That last father, sad poor Will is in “emotional turmoil”, as his own daughter lost to him. This father still calls him She. Id be so sad if that was my father.

( @Lissak27 )
As bad as it is, this article is actually a little less biased than we’re used to seeing. But the sympathetic tone towards Thomas is ridiculous, he brought this upon himself.

( @AthenasWrench )
For sure. It’s actually decent considering the source. Just get really mad at the language obfuscation. Transgender females. It’s false and doesn’t reflect reality. Transgender males. I just don’t understand, why say that? Probably to keep the activists happy. It’s a hate crime to say they are male. We are living in crazy times.

( @Lissak27 )
It feels like they know they’re going to lose this one and are trying to make sure there’s no hard feelings towards the poor people who tried to destroy womens sports.

( @AthenasWrench )
Right? Consilatory. They know the backlash they will receive. It won’t help them. Nothing short of total capitulation is good enough.



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