anon1822 #sexist

Identifying an incel is pretty alpha tbh

Bluepilled dudes/Inceltears/white knights/cucks and incels are really two sides of the same coin. Neither are Chad and so they have a hard time getting a woman's attention.

The bluepill side chooses to beg women for their attention, do various things for them, putting them on a pedestal and treating them like queens - basically having no pride or manliness.

Incels don't give a fuck. We're bitter at the world and at women. We know they are cunts and we don't do shit for them. Sure, most wouldn't reveal their blackpilledness in real life, that would be both cringy and make a lot of enemies, but merely being on this side of the matter is alpha.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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